Steven _BWWM Romance Page 16
“Take me to your bed,” she whispered in his ear and wrapped her hands around his neck. Getting her signals right, Bilal picked Kitty up in his arms and walked to his bed. There, he gently placed her on the mattress and moved back for a moment to take off his shirt. Kitty could see his hairy chest and a well built torso. She had decided to fuck this guy right after her second drink and now it was happening. She also took off her top and Bilal saw that she was not wearing any bra.
He bent over her supple breasts and tasted them like they were forbidden fruits. Kitty played with his hair while keeping her eyes closed. But then she pushed him away and started sucking on his nipples. Bilal’s moans made her horny and now she was getting wet in her panties. She quickly freed Bilal from his pants and took off his underwear. His circumcised cock was looking inviting to her, and so she jumped right on it. Taking it in her mouth she started rubbing the shaft with her hand. With his head laid back, Bilal moved his fingers over Kitty’s smooth neck. Soon, he felt as if he was about to explode and so he had to stop that excited woman. “Stop!” he chuckled. “Leave some for the main action!”
Kitty liked Bilal’s honesty and she got up taking off her shorts and panties. Seeing her glistening pussy, Bilal knew she was ready. He grabbed her ass and pulled it towards his face. Kissing her vagina, he put his tongue inside, making her moan.
“Don’t play with me.” Kitty moaned as if pleading, and looked into Bilal’s eyes. “Just fuck me!” she said, gently pushing him down in bed. As Bilal laid down on his back, she climbed him and adjusted his penis under her vagina. With one swift squat, she now had his manhood exploring the deep corners of her pussy. With gentle up and downs over his body, Kitty was taking control of the situation. She liked being in control and this was no exception.
Bilal was loving it. Now he was far from his peak, and was filled with a raw energy. Matching Kitty’s rhythm he started moving his pelvis up and down, while holding her ass with his hands. This increased the power of the thrusts inside Kitty’s vagina. She moaned and yelled in excitement while playing with her hair.
But this was too much for Bilal, and now he wanted to show her how eager he was for Kitty. So he grabbed her by the back and raised her in the air. Bilal gently placed Kitty on the bed on her side and parted her legs. bringing himself behind her buttocks, he placed one leg in front of her pussy and held his dick just outside her vagina. Without any resistance his big cock sank in Kitty’s wet insides and filled both of them with heavenly pleasure.
Wanting to leave this realm of patience, both Kitty and Bilal were now anxious to achieve the state of ultimate gratification. “Finish me, Bilal. I am right there!” Kitty told him.
Bilal was waiting for this moment and he increased his intensity. With deep and strong thrusts he rammed Kitty’s vagina while his hands held her thigh and waist.
Knowing he was about to reach his limit, Bilal saw Kitty’s face and realized she was close too. He then brought her legs together and made her vagina clasp his cock tightly. This made Kitty feel out of this world. “Wow!” she exclaimed between her moans.
Bilal could feel himself reaching his peak and so he maintained his furious pace. But before he could feel the rush, he heard Kitty yelling and shaking uncontrollably. “Oh my God!” she yelled with her eyes closed and Bilal suddenly had his moment too.
But he knew the right thing to do and so pulled out just before exploding inside Kitty’s vagina. Shooting his cum all over Kitty’s belly and side, Bilal collapsed over her sweaty smooth skin.
They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled.
“Kiss me!” Kitty said.
Bilal did not make her wait and leaned right in. They explored each other the whole night before Kitty went back to her room in the morning.
The next morning, Janet woke up and found Kitty going through a pile of files on her bed.
“What are you doing?” Janet checked the clock. “It's 11 AM and we are on a holiday. Put those files away.”
“What do you want me to do then?” Kitty did not even look at Janet while answering. She was constantly writing something down in her notepad while reading files after files.
“I have to come up with an idea, not you.” Janet reminded her.
“Exactly! And so the least I can do is shortlist some ideas that we could discuss.”
Janet could see that Kitty was not going to stop, and so she got up from her bed, and took the file from her hands.
“I don't want to buy any idea!” Janet’s voice was loud and firm.
Kitty stared at her for sometime as Janet held the file away from her.
“I am doing this so that we can get it over with as soon as possible and enjoy this holiday. I want you to relax and stop worrying about it.”
“I am relaxing, but you are making me worry with all this nonsense. I made it clear to you and Rebecca that I don’t want to buy somebody else’s idea. Why is it so hard for you two to understand it?”
Knowing how upset she was making her friend, Kitty threw all the files off the bed and looked at Janet with a reassuring smile.
“Here, I am not doing this anymore. Just don't get upset, alright?”
Janet also threw the file in her hands away and took a deep breath. She saw how Kitty was trying to make her feel better.
“I am fine!”
“I am sorry. I should not have pushed you.”
“No, I guess it wasn't you.” Janet replied. “I think it was something else that triggered that response in me.”
“What are you talking about?”
Janet then sat down in the bed and started explaining last night’s events to Kitty. “I saw this guy a day ago. A tall handsome man.”
Kitty was all ears.
“So I somehow gathered my courage and talked to him, and it turned out he was a great guy. Just as I imagined him to be. I was having so much fun on the beach with him.”
“But…?” Kitty knew there was a but coming in very soon.
“He's gay!” Janet chuckled, infecting Kitty as well. Both of the shared a brief laughter.
“He took me to his boyfriend, trying to help me in coming up with an idea.”
“Hey, that's a sign of a man who cares.”
Janet could not disagree, “I know. But I was not ready for that. Honestly, I was worried that he may propose a threesome after getting me drunk. But that was a curve ball.”
“So how did the brainstorming go?” Kitty asked.
“What brainstorming? We got drunk and talked about I don't know.. I can't remember anything.” Janet was laughing holding her head.
And suddenly, Janet stopped laughing. She was staring right into the floor.
Kitty knew this look and so she stayed quiet and did not move a muscle.
“The funny thing is, he met his boyfriend on a trip like this.” Janet said staring at the floor. “I met him on this trip, and almost planned a few days with him in my imagination.”
Kitty could see that Janet was building up to something. It was making her both curious and excited. Sitting in the bed, she sat with a deep anticipation watching Janet lost in her own trance. She knew this is how she came up with her ideas and she had not seen her like this for months.
And then suddenly, Janet looked at Kitty — “How did your date go?”
“What?” Kitty was not expecting Janet to turn to her.
“You were with Bilal last evening, right? And when I came back, you were not here. So I am hoping it all went really well.”
Kitty could not stop herself from smiling as she remembered the events from last night. Janet read her face and instantly got her answer.
“See? You had a good time, right?”
Kitty smiled in agreement, “It was wonderful! Did you know Bilal is a prince?”
Janet was surprised. Unknowingly, Kitty had just broken the rule of the group by telling her about Bilal. But Kitty was not in the group to begin with and it was Bilal who must have disclosed who he r
eally was to her.
“Nice!” Janet said with surprise and amusement.
“See, we all meet these people from different cultures and countries at places like this.” Janet was now coming to the point.
“We form these friendships and relationships because we feel safe in this environment.”
“Right...” Kitty was unsure what Janet was trying to say.
“So, how about we give this experience to people without leaving their homes or country?”
“And how do we do that?” Kitty asked.
“An International Dating Site!” Janet revealed her big idea. “A place where you can meet other people from different worlds and feel safe while expressing yourself.”
“Aren’t there several dating and matchmaking sites out there already?” Kitty asked.
“Yes, but this will be different.” Janet explained. “We will provide the safety and comfort to people who like to meet people from different places. It will be like this place or any other, where people feel safe to mingle with each other.”
“An international dating site? That could work.” Kitty thought.
“You think it's going to work?”
“I don't see why it should not work. Have you thought of a name?” Kitty asked.
And then Janet realized that she hadn’t thought of a name for this idea. But to her defense she had only come up with this concept just a minute ago.
“Lets do that together!” Janet said as both of them started brainstorming over this new idea. Finally, Janet was feeling better for now she had something of her own.
Chapter 3
Days later, Janet and Kitty returned to New York and started developing their idea. The holidays were over and now it was time to get back to work. After coming up with the idea, Janet felt refreshed and alive. Rebecca could see this change in Janet.
“Looks like the holidays worked really well for you.”
Janet smiled, she knew it was right. But she also knew that it was Kitty who took her there and so she deserved credit for this too. “I finally know what I am going to do next.”
“I was dying to hear those words!” Rebecca expressed her excitement and relief together.
“Right now, I just have the idea and we need to work on it. Like really work on it. We need to decide how it is going to work and the most important thing — what are we going to call it?” Janet explained everything to Rebecca.
“Geez! Are you expecting me to create the whole thing for you? What did you come up with during the holidays?” Rebecca was confused on hearing about doing so much work.
“It's a service that brings people of different countries and cultures together, in a safe space.” Kitty filled in Rebecca with the idea.
“Aren’t there many dating sites already out there?” Rebecca failed to see the uniqueness in the idea. “How is it going to be different?”
Kitty looked at Janet with a smile. It was a signal for Janet to tell her what this idea really was.
“Rebecca, tell me.. what was so unique about CookUp?” Janet posed a question while leaning back in the chair.
Rebecca knew this question was trickier than it seemed and so she thought really hard before answering, “Tinder for foodies.”
“It was a place where people who shared the love of food could meet like minded people in a safe space. At CookUp there was nobody who would judge you whether you were a non vegetarian or vegan. What you liked to eat was your personal preference and was respected by other members. Now imagine a similar safe space for people who would like to meet like-minded people from out of their world.”
Rebecca tried to understand the concept when Janet further elucidated. “I want to change how people think of meeting new people. Right now the best way to meet somebody that you might like is by going to either a bar or a dating event. What if you could meet anyone from the whole world without worrying about your safety?”
Rebecca could now see the spark in the idea. “That's amazing!”
“What we need to work on is how we are going to make people feel safe while they connect with other people using our service. Once we figure that out, they will take care of the rest themselves.”
Rebecca loved the idea.
“And we also need to come up with a name,” Kitty added.
“Well that's easy! How about…” Rebecca strained her brain for a moment — “Across Borders.. or Beyond Boundaries .. or maybe...” This was where Rebecca’s creativity stopped.
“I think we will find the name on our own.” Janet chuckled. “Thank you though for those wonderful suggestions.”
“Hey, you may laugh, but those names are simple and genius!” Rebecca defended herself.
The trio tried to come up with a name, but soon gave up.
“Lets just stop. I think it will come up naturally,” Janet proclaimed remembering how the names of her previous businesses came to her. But then Rebecca reminded her why coming up with a name quickly was important.
“Then it better come to you real fast because we need to get it registered. Gotta make sure that nobody grabs this before we do.”
“I agree, but you cannot force inspiration to come.” Janet made herself clear.
“Well, then let the inspiration know how critical the timing is and she might decide to grace you with her presence.”
“Then I shall pay her a visit as soon as possible.” Janet said getting up from the chair. “Lets meet when I have a name.”
The meeting was adjourned.
Janet was sitting in a chair, staring out of the window. She was trying really hard to come up with a name but there was no name that stood out among the others. And so she kept looking out of the window, probably waiting for the name to appear in the sky.
“You need to get out,” Kitty said from behind.
“What are you talking about?” Janet turned around.
“You have been locked in your house for two days now. You need some fresh air to get some new ideas. Trust me, go out and you will have a name in no time.”
Janet knew Kitty was right, but she was in no mood to get out. She knew that getting the right idea was not enough, an equally great name was very important for the thing to work. But it seemed as if she needed another holiday.
“I don't want to go out!” Janet told Kitty quite honestly.
“How long are you going to sit here?”
“I don't know. I feel like I have it in some dark corner of my mind. It's just that I am not able to put my finger on it.”
Kitty pulled out a chair and sat down in front of Janet. “Jan,” she said holding her hand. “Tell me how did you get the idea for this service?”
“By meeting Marcin and his boyfriend.” Janet remembered the events of the holiday.
“No! You came up with the idea after you got out of your routine and met new people. That gave you the idea, not Marcin or his boyfriend.” Kitty was right. It was the new experience that opened Janet’s brain and not that handsome Polish man.
“So I am asking you again, to go out and meet new people. Do random things, get out of your head and suddenly, you will stumble upon a great name. I promise you!”
Kitty sounded quite convincing, but Janet did not want to move out of her house today. However, she also knew that Kitty was right. Sitting in her room, staring out of a looking glass was not going to help her in any way.
Janet thought for a moment and then she smiled. “You are right Kitty. I need to meet new people and talk to them.”
Kitty smiled seeing her friend getting on the same page as hers. “Awesome! So where do you want to go?”
“Oh I am not going out anywhere. See I don’t need to go out… all I need is to meet new people and talk to them.”
Kitty could not understand what Janet meant. “Are you going to invite random strangers in your house then?”
“Something like that.” Janet said and got out of her chair.
Confused, Kitty remained in her chair an
d saw Janet walking around. She picked up her laptop and sat down.
“Come here!” Janet called Kitty to sit with her.
Kitty pulled her chair beside Janet, watching her open the browser on her laptop and going to a chat site. The site was meant for strangers around the world to come and chat.
Janet created a new account with a pseudo name and logged on.
She headed into the first chat room she found in there — Single’s Lounge.
“Hello!” Janet typed in.
One after another several replies appeared in the form of greetings. Kitty saw Janet working her fingers on the keyboard rapidly.
“Is anybody available to help me in coming up with the name of a dating site?”
After a few seconds two replies appeared below Janet’s question.
“Why not?”
Janet then started explaining her idea but making sure not to reveal too much.
“Describe to me in one word — meeting your romantic partner from another country, online.”
“International Love by Pitbull” a link appeared below Janet’s hint few seconds later. Janet knew this song and so it made her chuckle.
“I was looking for something subtle.” she typed again.
“Soulmate from outer world.” another reply appeared.
“I am looking for just one word.” she typed.
Seconds went by and nobody replied before somebody typed — “Dateline”
“Like Dateline? The News program?” Janet wondered.
“No, like international date line.” the responder started typing, “It separates the world into various time zones. It's invisible but exists — like the love from a foreign country that you have not seen or maybe even heard of before. It's very much real, but you just cannot touch or feel it.”
It made Janet think. She really liked the idea but Dateline was not only too familiar a name but also a registered trademark.
“Sorry, it's registered. But I really liked the concept,” she typed.
“Well at least we are getting somewhere,” the responder typed.