Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17) Page 3
“Dad, how are you and Mom?” Edward asked as soon as his father came on the line. Edmond Moore the Third had broken tradition and had not named his son after him.
“We are thinking of coming for a visit in October son. What do you say?”
“That’s wonderful. The tropics getting to you?”
“No.” His mother had picked up the next line. “We are longing to see our only child. We thought you were coming over in July.”
“I got caught up with meetings. I am sorry.”
“You need a wife.”
“Not again, Mom.”
“Boy, she is right. You work too hard,” his father told him.
“I work long hours. What wife would put up with that?” he asked lightly.
“You could cut back. You are the boss. We would like to see some grandchildren before we are too old to know what to do with them,” his mother said.
“You are never getting old.” He steered the conversation to something else and successfully diverted them. When he hung up he went into the kitchen and took out the solitary meal his housekeeper had left for him. He was getting lonely. Before now he had been content with his own company and had interests to fill up his time. He found banking fascinating and knew he was very good at what he did. He had the club where he was a member of and had a few men there who he could safely say were his friends. He traveled a lot and had been doing that since he was a child. He liked to read the classics and would study the financial part of the papers avidly but now he was starting to feel dissatisfied with his life. He had not been able to sleep last night after she had left because he could not understand what was happening. The two women he had been with in the past had been women with his own skin color and he had never even thought about it. He had not been a virgin by a long shot when he had had his sexual encounter in college because he had been introduced to sex by a woman who had been hired to tutor him. She had taught him much more than geometry and algebra but had stripped herself naked one night when his parents had gone out for the evening and had taught him the art of sex. So he was well versed and he knew what to do to pleasure a woman but he had not been interested until now. He pushed at the succulent roast beef disinterestedly and wondered what the hell was wrong with him! And he had invited her back to his office for what? He got to his feet and went to the discreet cabinet in the corner of the room to select a bottle of age old whiskey. He found the glass and poured a measure of the strong liquor and put it to his lips. Maybe he needed to get laid, he thought with a grimace. It had been a long time. Three years to be exact and he wondered what on earth was wrong with him that he had stayed so long. His stared down at the amber liquid for a moment and then drank the rest feeling the punch of the liquor inside his stomach. Hopefully he would go to sleep without the hard on tonight!
“What’s wrong with this picture?” Jenny demanded as she came into Abby’s bedroom without knocking.
“You are painting your own toes?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“You don’t do that! You always go and get it professionally done.”
“I am saving up to buy this really awesome dress at Romano’s. Even with the discount I get as an employee I still cannot afford it,” she said as she capped the bottle of the cherry red nail polish and put her feet out to look at them. “I am required to go to various functions and I refuse to look like a beggar.”
“Maybe you can get them to loan you clothes and you wear it for the night and take it back in the morning.” Jenny sat carefully on the side of the bed careful not to smudge her nails.
“Seriously?” Abby said with a laugh. “It does not work that way. I mean I am so happy that Romano’s does not stick to skinny ass women like you and have opened the doors to beautiful clothes for plus sized women like me but heck they cost an arm and a leg.”
“I am not skinny,” Jenny protested as she stretched her feet out to look at them.
“You are skinny and you need some color.”
“When I get my super rich boyfriend and we take off to the Caribbean, you will see,” she said smugly.
“Is there something you are not telling me?”
“I wish,” Jenny said with a sigh that turned into laughter as Abby threw the pillows at her head!
Chapter 3
“Tell me about yourself,” Edward urged as he came and sat next to her on the sofa. She had come precisely at six, just in time to meet his secretary who told her thanks to her face. The offices had emptied shortly after. Abby had been pleased to see him wearing dark grey pants, the color of his eyes, a light grey shirt, and a red sweater vest. She had found herself staring at him in fascination.
“What do you want to know?” She looked at him for a moment before taking out the thick catalogue out of her satchel.
“Where did you grow up and did you always want to be a fashion person?” There was a twinkle in his beautiful grey eyes that had Abby smiling.
“A fashion person?”
“I have no idea what the real title is,” he admitted ruefully.
“Fashion coordinator. And yes, I knew I always wanted to do something in fashion. I grew up here in town and went to the local high school and college. My mother died five years ago from cancer and my dad-” She shrugged. “I never really knew him that much. He died when I was a baby.”
“I am sorry to hear that,” he said quietly. “May I offer you something to drink or eat?”
“What do you have?”
“I have fruit juices and strong liquor.” He got to his feet gracefully. “I have a chef who prepares the finest linguini. I am not going home right now so how about I persuade you to have dinner?” He turned to look at her sitting there. She was wearing a bright purple dress belted at the waist and suited her full frame very well. She also had on black leggings and flat black shoes. Her hair was twisted into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. She was a very beautiful woman and he wondered if she knew it.
“I am game.” She flashed that incredible smile at him that had the power to turn him into someone he did not know!
“Okay, great,” he muttered and turned back to what he was doing and to hide how flustered he was. His hands trembled as he poured the juice into glasses. He came and gave her a glass before picking up the phone and placing the order for their meal.
“So, how is work?”
Abby looked at him in amusement. “Are you trying to get out of the lesson?”
“Is it that obvious?” he asked her lightly not wanting her to know that he was genuinely interested in everything about her. “I am surprised you are here on a Friday night. No significant other?”
“Not now.” She opened the catalogue and with an inward sigh he knew she was ready to get to the business at hand. For the next twenty minutes, she revealed her expertise as she mixed and match the outfits that had been brought over to his place. He watched her covertly as she frowned a little bit as she placed a tie with a shirt and then changed her mind again. She would look up at him and then back down to match again. Their meals came in shortly, wheeled in by the chef himself. “Thanks, Pierre,” he told the large friendly man with the shock of dark hair and eyes.
“Sir, madam,” he said and left the room.
“How about taking a break?” he suggested.
“You don’t have to ask me twice.” She put away her catalogue and sniffed the air. “It smells heavenly.”
They ate in silence for a moment and then he spoke. “So you still live in town?” he asked as he poured her some red wine.
“I live about five miles from here.” She sipped the wine and almost purred at the fruity taste. “This is good.”
“Wine from Costa Land,” he said with a smile. “Prince Alexander always comes bearing gifts of wine and fruits from the paradise they live in.”
“I read about them. I understand they are fighting to keep it that way and not open it up to tourists.”
“It would be a shame to do that.”
“May I ask you something personal?”
His heart jumped at that. “Of course.”
“Why did you agree to this?”
“To what?”
“To changing who you are.”
He stared at her for a moment and sipped his wine thoughtfully. “Wearing expensive clothes and smooth leather shoes does not change who you are inside. If that was the case I would be like Lorenzo.”
“Do you want to be like him?”
“No,” he said immediately. “I like who I am. I am laid back and love my own company. I hate crowds and when I am required to go to functions I have to psych myself up to do so. I am not a great conversationalist and I am not a ladies’ man.” His eyes met and held hers for a moment. “I am who I am and I have no intention of changing that. I agreed to do this because I agree with Monique and my secretary that a man in my position needs to dress the part. I can more than afford it and since I do not have to go out and do the actual shopping myself then I have no problem.” His grey eyes looked into her dark brown ones. “I hope that answers your question.”
“It does and it is men like you that make me have a career.” Her smile came again and he felt his gut clench. “Thanks for dinner. My roommate does most of the cooking because she works from home, but as much as she can help herself, her efforts pale in comparison to this.”
“Pierre studied at the Cordon Bleu,” he said lightly. He did not want her to go yet and he had to find a way to keep her here.
As if reading his thoughts she got to her feet and went to get the catalogue. “I am afraid we still have a lot of work to do. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all!” He had to make an effort to keep the elation from his voice. “Let’s get to it!”
She did not finish until after eight and even so he felt the pang of disappointment as she gathered her things in readiness to leave. “Let me walk you to your car.” He opened the door and allowed her to precede him. Abby felt her feet sinking into the luxuriant carpeting as they made their way along the corridors and into the private elevator. As soon as the doors closed he felt the mad rush of passion beating at his body! The room was too small! And her presence filled every inch of it. She had taken out her phone and was checking it so she did notice what was going on with him. He felt the shudder through his body as he looked at her. The doors opened and he felt the immense relief. He was going to have to stay away from her! The guard rushed to open the doors and he nodded his thanks as they made their way out to the front of the building. He held the door opened while she got in. “Thanks, Mr. Moore. It was a pleasure.”
“It’s Edward,” he said a little hoarsely.
“In that case, it’s Abby.” With a wave she backed out and was on her way. Edward stood there looking after her even when the tail lights had long disappeared. “Abby,” he whispered achingly before he turned and went back inside.
Abby stared at the before and after pictures that had been taken of Edward Moore and shook her head. It was now one month since she had been at Romano’s and she was getting into the groove of things. She enjoyed what she did so much that she found it hard to tear herself away when it was time to leave. She had gotten three other clients and was so excited that their clientele was growing. Monique left her to do her own thing as she was more out than in.
“I am sorry to leave you on your own so much, Abby, but since becoming the wife of Lorenzo and having kids it is now becoming impossible to stick to a schedule,” Monique said one afternoon as she took off her chic light blue cashmere jacket she had worn for lunch with some of the other wives. “It’s coming on to October and Leesa and the rest are planning the usual breast cancer charity function and I am a part of it.”
“You guys have it every year.”
“Without fail. Leesa was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago and ever since has become passionate for the cause, even more than before.” Monique walked over and looked down at the pictures of Edward.
“My mother died from it,” Abby said quietly.
“I remember you telling me. I am so sorry.”
“I still miss her.” She pointed to a picture of Edward in the dark blue suit. “He has a function to attend on Saturday and I am figuring that this would do. What do you think?”
Monique stared at it for a moment. “We have some tuxedoes that came out a month ago. Black with precise cuts. Why not let him try one?”
“I think you are right. With his hair and eye coloring he would make quite an impression.”
Monique looked at the younger girl for a moment thoughtfully. “His is quite impressed by you.”
“The way he dresses now is making quite a mark wherever he goes,” Abby said with a wide smile. Monique stared and realized that she had not taken the time to see how beautiful the girl was, especially when she smiled.
“The function he is attending on Saturday is one that Lorenzo and I will be attending as well. Why don’t you come?”
Abby looked up at the woman startled. “I would not fit in.”
“Of course you would.” She walked over and picked up the phone. “Flora, I need several evening wear dresses in size sixteen.”
“What are you doing? I cannot afford them.”
“On the house,” Monique said with a smile. “You have been doing such a terrific job that it is a kind of bonus.”
Abby spread the three dresses on her bed in a kind of daze as she looked at them. Jenny had been gone when she got there with a note saying that she was off to the movies with some friends. She stepped back and looked at them. One was in an emerald color, the other in blush red, and the other one sapphire blue. She picked up the blush red one and stared at in fascination. She never wore spaghetti straps because she feared her arms were too big but this one had thin straps and somehow managed to look very good when she tried it on. She took off the dress she had worn to work and put it on again going to stand in front of the mirror to see the effect. The style and fabric flattered her full figure and managed to make her look slimmer. It had a narrow skirt and gave her a sophisticated look that had her staring in amazement. She had been given shoes as well. She had told herself that she was much too heavy to wear heels but these were pumps and very classy. She looked at her thick dark hair and swept it on top of her head. She had thin gold earrings and matching necklace that would go very well with the ensemble. She felt a tremor of excitement went through her. Just wait until she had everything on!
Edward sat outside on the back patio and inhaled the scent of the newly pruned roses. He had decided to let the gardener do his job and stay out of his territory. The place was quiet and secure. The house was a family heirloom and had been in the Moore’s possession for more than five decades. It was a relic and Edward had spent time and money making it modern. He had not done too much to the structure because he had not wanted to deface the lovely original cut stones. It was too big, he thought. He had never leaned to that thinking before but he had been thinking more and more about it ever since he had met her. He had fallen in love with a woman who thought of him as a project. He laughed to himself as he sipped the wine. He had just reached home after going to meetings outside the office. He had had the unpleasant task of letting go one of his bank managers because of his mishandling of the funds at his disposal. The man had left his wife of thirty years to take up with a woman who was half his age. Now he was out of a job, Edward was sure that the woman would leave him immediately. He had wanted to take up the phone and call Abby but he had no right to, at least not yet. He had just rested his head back against the cushions on the lounge chair when his phone rang. “Hello?”
“Edward, it’s Abby.”
He trembled and had to put his wine glass away. “How are you?”
“I am fine. Look, I know I told you to wear the dark blue suit to the function tomorrow but Monique gave me a better idea. Ho
w fond of James Bond are you?”
He took a deep breath before he answered as he visualized her brilliantly beautiful smile. “As much as any red blooded American.”
“Okay, good. Black tux for Saturday. I will be sending it to you tomorrow.”
“Could you bring it?” he rushed to ask. “I am going to need you to show me what I need to wear with it. I will compensate you for working on a Saturday.”
“No need. How about ten?”
“Perfect. My housekeeper gets the weekend off so I potter around in the kitchen. How about I make us breakfast?”
“Not scrambled eggs and toast?”
He laughed at that. “No, I happen to know how to whip up a mean batch of strawberry pancakes complete with whipped cream. And the best coffee in the world.”
“Not fair. Now my mouth is watering.” She had no idea that her simple comment had sent his body into overdrive.
“Okay, I will see you in the morning.”
He buried his head into his hands. He should not have invited her over. That simple statement she had made had caused him to hyperventilate. He should call her and tell her that something had come up and she should just send them over. He took the glass and finished the rest of the wine, his body charged and alive for the first time in his life. He had no idea what to do about her!
“You are working on a Saturday?” Jenny asked as she wandered into the bathroom where her friend had just wrapped the towel around her ample frame.
“What did we discuss about boundaries?” she asked the girl in exasperation.
“I totally forgot,” Jenny said rubbing her eyes. “I was so buzzed last night that I have a hard time remembering if I had sex with the cab driver.”