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Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4)
Jeremy (Members From Money Book 4) Read online
He needs a baby, or his club and money are gone...
A sexy billionaire arranged pregnancy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.
Jeremy Langley’s grandfather has just slapped him with the craziest business proposition ever.
Jeremy will inherit his grandfather’s prestigious club if, and only if, he gets married to a particular business associate and has a child with her.
Deidre Bent is a hot shot career woman with no desire for love or a family right now.
But that doesn’t deter Jeremy - he’s determined to close the net around her to close the deal.
So he makes his moves, and Deidre decides that one night of passion with Jeremy Langley couldn’t hurt, right?
But Deidre’s shocked at herself when she finds herself falling for the smooth-talking business man.
She’s even considering marriage and children with him.
And Jeremy’s shocked at himself, too - he’s falling in love just as hard, and that wasn’t part of the deal!
When the truth about the deal comes out, Deidre is devastated, and breaks the whole thing off.
Can Jeremy do enough to prove that his love for her - and for their child she’s now carrying - is real?
Or will it all end in disaster?
Find out in this gripping and sexually charged romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.
Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you’ll be working up a sweat.
Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.
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Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and AfroRomanceBooks.com. No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Bonus Book - Falling For His Surrogate's Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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Chapter 1
“Are you sure it will work?” Deborah looked at the man seated opposite her uncertainly.
“I am sure it will,” he lifted the glass of light beer to his lips with a quizzical smile, his shaggy white eyebrows lifting as he took in her attractiveness in the light blue summer dress she was wearing. “You don’t look a day over thirty. Would you consider us getting back together?”
“Richard Langley, you are too much!” Deborah said with a wave of her hand and a smile on her attractive cocoa brown face. “Why don’t we concentrate on your grandson and my daughter? What we had was ancient history and it is all in the past.”
“You are right. I probably cannot get it up to save my life even for a fine-looking woman like you.” He said with a wicked grin. “We are in danger of the Langley name dying out if I don’t do something about it.”
“Jeremy is quite the young man,” Deborah said diplomatically. They were having lunch at a discreet eatery in midtown in order for him not to be recognized. Robert Langley was the odd one out from the other Langleys in that he was down to earth and mixed with the ‘common people’. His father before him had built an empire and had passed it on to him which included the Elite Club where members from all over the world had become a part of. His son had died ten years ago, leaving his wife and teenage son for him to take care of, and he had given up his apartment and moved back into the manor to make sure that they were okay. He had tried to bring up his grandson to be flexible and personable, but the damage had already been done by his father who believed that there were two kinds of people: ‘The have and the have nots’ and never the twain shall meet.
“That’s putting it lightly,” Robert said with a loud laugh. “That boy has a stick so far up his ass that it would probably cause a lot of internal damage if it were to be pulled out!”
Deborah burst out laughing at the image as she settled back against the cushions and relaxed. When he had called her and told her he wanted to talk to her about something very important, she had no idea what he wanted. And when he had told her, she had hesitated at first but thought it was a very good idea. “My daughter is fire compared to his ice,” she warned him as she sipped her lemonade.
“A perfect combination,” he said with a grin. “He needs someone to light a fire beneath his ass. He is a very good business man but a lousy human being. He went out with one of the finer society women, and they barely hold hands. It was painful to see them in public and in private. I do believe he badly needs to get laid.”
“Robert Langley, I hope you did not say that to him.”
“I did and he did not speak to me for a week,” he said with a laugh. He leaned forward and took her hands in his. “You know me better than most Deb and know that I am a straight shooter and one who does not give a crap about color or race or lack of money. Your daughter Deidre is beautiful and vivacious and those are some of the qualities I am looking for in my grandson. I want to break the cold mold that makes up the Langleys and get them to stop believing that the world rotates around them. His mother is a gentle soul but dotes on her only child, so she is no help. It is up to me to make the decision where that boy is concerned.”
“What if he refuses?” she asked him.
“He won’t,” Robert settled back with a smile on his face. “I have just the carrot to dangle in front of this rabbit. He runs the club, and I know he wants me to hand it over to him. He is actually doing a very good job of bringing it into the twenty-first century. His MBA from Harvard was not in vain. So, I am going to be giving him an ultimatum.”
“I am sure that will adhere him more to you.” She said dryly.
“The boy already thinks I am country and uncivilized, so what’s one more dent in my character?” he said with a guffaw as he finished his beer. “So how are you going to convince Deidre?”
“I am not,” she smiled at the look on his face. “You are going to have to let Jeremy approach her and convince them to start going out together. Let things happen naturally. Deidre has a mind of her own, and if I say anything to her in that respect, she is going to go the opposite way. Deena, my other daughter on the other hand, would have been perfect if she was not married, but Jeremy would not look twice at her.’
“So you are leaving everything to me?”
“Not everything. Start the ball rolling and I will give the nudges. My daughter works too hard, and I think it is time she finds a man to settle down with. I think they will make an excellent couple.”
br /> *********************************
“Dee, if being a stay-at-home society wife is getting to you, go out and find something to do.” Deidre told her sister patiently as she switched the distance on the treadmill to go uphill.
“Like what?” her sister’s voice sounded petulant, and she realized that they had been having this discussion for the past two weeks.
“Honey, you went to a very good college, and you have a degree in Biology—put it to use.”
“Mark would never agree to me working in some lab.” Her tone was horrified.
“Honey, what do you want to do?”
“I am not like you Deidre,” she complained. “I have to maintain a certain image for the public. My husband happens to be a very important man in society.”
“Get involved in some charity then, honey. I think mom is heading the cancer foundation and they are very effective in helping cancer patients. I am sure Mark will not have any objection to that.” Deidre glanced at the timer on her wrist and realized that she had almost reached her target run. “Look honey, I have to run. I have a job to look at in an hour and I still have not had breakfast yet.”
“Please call me as soon as you get back home.”
“I will.” Deidre said before hanging up. She turned the machine off and got off using the towel to wipe the sweat away from her face. The two sisters were as different as night and day. Their mother had been married twice: Deena’s dad had been her first husband, an African American who had died of a heart attack when Deena was only three years old and she had remarried to a gentle half white man who had taken the woman with her child and grew her up as his own even when he had gotten his own daughter three years later. Deena had always resented the fact that Deidre was more beautiful and had always told her that her complexion allowed her to get away with everything. Deidre was tall and slim with a curvaceous body, coffee and cream complexion and beautiful hazel eyes. She had curly hair that she had never processed but usually have the thick tresses brushed back into a ponytail. Deena looked like their mother and had inherited her father’s small rotund shape. She processed her thick black hair and dressed in the height of fashion to show how privileged she was. They were close but not because of Deena. Deidre made sure that they kept in touch and no matter what happened always made sure they had lunch at least once a week.
Her phone rang just as she was about to make her shake for breakfast. “Mom, I am in a hurry.” She began.
“Not too much of a hurry to speak to your only mother though?”
Deidre rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Of course not. What can I do for you?”
“Leesa is having a party to celebrate her mother’s birthday and she wants us to be there.”
“When?” Deidre mentally brought up her appointment book inside her head.
“A week from now. I hope you will be able to come. You have not been anywhere since that function at the restaurant in May.”
“Mom, I have work.”
“And you need to have fun darling or else you are going to die alone.”
“I have you and Deena, remember?”
“You might have me honey, but I am not sure about Deena.” She retorted. “I have not heard from that girl in a week.”
“She called me earlier saying she is bored.”
“Probably bought enough clothes to last two lifetimes and have no idea what to do next.”
“I told her to call you and get onto the charities you have going on.”
“She is not going to call.” Her mother predicted. “So how about it darling?”
“Okay Mom, you have twisted my arm.”
“Good,” she said briskly. “Buy something new! I have one daughter who is prepared to buy out all the stores and another one who probably has one cocktail dress in her entire closet.”
“The burden you have to bear.” Deidre said with a smile.
“You can say that again.”
Jeremy nodded to an acquaintance as he made his way out to the tennis courts. He had made his way from the offices that held Langley’s Holdings to come and meet with the landscaper who was going to remove the boundaries and allow them to add another tennis court so making it a total of four. He had suggested it to his granddad and the man had waited two weeks to give his go-ahead! He had lost valuable time and had to make up for it. He hated the fact that he was not in total control of the company and resented having to go to his grandfather for approvals. He had proven himself over and over again, but he still felt as if he was a teenager waiting for permission. He waved at some of the members as they pranced around the court themselves. He never participated himself as he privately thought that the game was a little too physical for his tastes. He preferred to do his sweating in the privacy of his very well-equipped gym at the manor. The hot summer breeze rustled his dark brown hair and he had to squint his grey-blue eyes against the sun. He had forgotten his shades in the office.
The man hurried to meet him with a clipboard in hand. “Mr. Langley, I am afraid there is a little problem,” he said nervously. The contract was the biggest he had ever received and he did not want to lose it.
“What is it?”
“The material to cover the court was the wrong kind, so there is going to be further delay.” The man squirmed under the icy blue-grey gaze and the granite expression on his face. ‘Red’ Duncan preferred to work with the grandfather who was as human as someone with money could get and would sit down and have a beer or two with them and swap stories, but his grandson was a cold son of a gun and a stickler for getting the job done with no excuses.
“How did that happen?” his voice was cold and impersonal.
“The company shipped the wrong thing.” Red sweated as he looked at the younger man.
“How much delay?”
“It is being sorted out as we speak,” he said hastily. “It will be delayed a day or two.”
“Make it one day.” He said in an implacable voice. “And Mr. Duncan?”
Red looked at him nervously. “Yes, sir?”
“See to it that there are no more mistakes.” He did not wait for the man’s response before he walked away.
Deidre looked around the room with a practiced experienced eye. Melanie was right! The place was a bit drab and could use some light. The heavy damask curtains hid the light and made the room appeared heavy and dull. She touched the screen of her IPad and made a note to get rid of them. The furniture was too stuffy and old-fashioned and the color on the walls! She shuddered delicately as she eyed the eggplant color. Something in mint green to give the appearance of coolness and light. The dull brown carpet had to go! The floors were hardwood and could be polished to a high sheen. Throw rugs instead, she decided as she made another notation. The chandelier was probably made out of very cheap glass. It looked horrific!
“So can it be salvaged?” Melanie Bent came into the room, a smile on her beautiful face. She was an actress who had been on the long-running soap opera ‘Burning Lights’ from the beginning and had decided that she needed a home rather than an apartment and had bought the old Billingsley home a few months ago. She was over fifty but looked like she was in her early forties and had been married five times but was now single and childless. The place was probably too big for her, but Deidre had the idea that she was not going to remain single for very long.
“It can very well be as long as money is not an object.” Deidre said with a smile.
“Spend my money darling,” she said with a wave of her hand. “I want the very best.”
“Then I have absolutely no problem.”
“How soon can you get started?”
“By tomorrow morning. I need to get some men in here to move the furniture and tear up the carpets. I am going to look around and see what else needs my attention.”
“Darling, I am not a decorator, but I can tell you right now that the entire place looks as
if it had been used for horror movies,” she said with a delicate shudder. “I could never spend one night in a place like this looking this way.”
“When I am done with it, you will think it is a totally different place.” Deidre reassured her.
“We had a minor setback with the tennis court today,” Jeremy told his grandfather and mother at the dinner table that night. He nodded to the uniformed maid as she removed his dinner plate and set a small dish of crème brulee in front of him. He took the bottle of wine from the cooler and poured himself another glass looking at the other occupants enquiringly. His mother shook her elegantly coiffed blonde head to indicate that she was not having another glass, and Robert Langley turned to the hovering maid with a smile. “A beer for me honey.” He could not help but hide a smile at his grandson’s look of disapproval. He was so like his father had been! He barely acknowledged the help only to ask them to bring them what was needed. “I am sure you dealt with it in your own inimitable way.”
“Of course,” Jeremy said sipping his wine expertly, savoring the body of it. “I told him that he had a day to sort out whatever it was.”
“You need to lighten up son,; you are too young to be so uptight.”
“I strongly believe that when a person is being paid, they should do the work,” he said stiffly.
Robert eyed him contemplatively. The boy was quite handsome as he had inherited the Langley’s strong chin and looks and also the height, but he never seemed to smile so his face was always set in a disapproving manner. “You really enjoy handling things over at the club, don’t you?
“I do,” he nodded.
“What would you say if I was to hand it over to you totally?”
Jeremy stared at him hardly daring to believe that he was finally going to get his wish! “I would say that is the best news I have had in a very long time.” He said carefully wondering if there was a catch to it.
“There is a condition.”
Jeremy’s lips curled in contempt. “Of course. What do I have to do?”