Nicholas (Members From Money Book 10) Read online

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  Nicholas laid there on his bed with his hands crossed beneath his head as he stared up at the ceiling in his room. He was packed and all ready to leave, but all of a sudden he did not feel the urge to go anymore. He grimaced as he remembered the heated argument he had had with his father at the house a few hours ago. “What the hell is your problem?” Graham Senior had asked him furiously as he looked at his youngest son. “You are not a teenager or even in your early twenties anymore, Nicholas. You are a grown man with two degrees from a very prestigious college. Why are you not making a contribution?”

  “I am not going to sit in an office just because it is your idea of contributing to society. I am a grown man and I can do as I damn well please!” he had said coldly. “I am not asking you for anything. I have my own inheritance. No matter what I do, I am not going to be able to spend it all. Don’t worry, Dad, I am not going to be like the prodigal son and come begging for forgiveness and a hand out.”

  “What went wrong?” Graham had asked him, staring at him as if he had discovered that he had a terminal disease.

  “Why do you have to assume that something went wrong?” Nicholas had asked, sliding his fingers through his hair.

  “Your mother spoiled you from the get go and as a result you believe that you should not do anything with your life.”

  “Stop putting it on Mom,” Nicholas had said wearily, tired of the constant fight. “I am going to live my life the way I see fit and you just have to accept that.”

  Nicholas swung his feet off the bed. He was restless and had always been that way ever since he knew himself. Peterson’s Petroleum was a multibillion dollar company, but it was not his company, nor was it his dream. It belonged to his father and before that his grandfather and his grandfather’s father. It was a family company and not necessarily something he wanted to do with his life. The muscles in his chest rippled as he pulled on a t-shirt before going to the kitchen that he rarely used. He had been bent on going back to Europe, but now he was not so sure. He had seen Kelsey and had felt the stirrings of attraction only this time stronger and he had every intention of exploring it. He just had to convince her that she was feeling it too. He poured a glass of scotch and swirled it around, looking down at the amber liquid. Her complexion was so flawless that he had wanted to touch her and taste her. He was going to have to find a way to convince her to get into his bed. He was not going to give up!

  Chapter 4

  He parked up outside of the small but neat and classy establishment that headquartered her business. It was situated in the middle of bustling downtown and had the colors painted on the outside. It was a bustling September evening and he found himself pulling his scruffy bomber jacket closer to him. He could have gone in and asked to see her, but he preferred to wait until he knew the rest of the staff had left.

  It was after six when he noticed that the last car had driven out except hers and the one he had come in. He got out and secured the lock and headed to the building. A security guard came forward nodding as he recognized who he was and sent him up. He saw out of the corner of his eye that the man was calling up to announce his presence. He shrugged as he punched the button for the elevator. He would have preferred it to be a surprise but what the hell!

  She was waiting for him in what appeared to be the lobby. The place was not as sumptuous and showy as Peterson’s Petroleum, but he knew class when he saw it and he appreciated.

  “I was not aware that we had an appointment?” She stood there looking at him. Her hair was clipped back by a jeweled comb and he realized that he could not wait to tangle his fingers in the strands and pull her head towards his. She was wearing a discreetly expensive tailored skirt and jacket that fitted her well.

  “Would you believe I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by?” he drawled as he came nearer.

  Kelsey stepped back unconsciously and stopped at the look of amusement on his handsome face. The wind had whipped his wheat blonde hair into a tangle around his face and he looked as fresh and clean as the outdoors. “What do you want?”

  “You!” he said bluntly. The single word was like a bullet as it pounded into her body and had her stiffening.

  “I have work to do-”

  “Too much work and no play.” He left the sentence hanging as he came closer to her. “I decided to postpone my trip to Europe. Ask me why?” He was too near and she could feel the heat of his body on hers.

  “I don’t care,” she muttered, wanting to step back more, but her pride kept her there.

  “I am going to tell you anyway.” One hand reached out to cup her cheek and he started stroking her skin. “I want you and I decided that Europe can wait but this cannot.”

  “I would like you to leave,” she croaked, trying to sound firm.

  “I am afraid I cannot do that.” His head was descending, and using a last desperate attempt she tried to push him away, but he would not budge. He titled her chin and stared down at her, his green eyes going to her full lips which had parted. His eyes met hers before he bent to take her lips with his. The touch was slow as if in slow motion making it harder for her to control her reaction. The tip of his tongue touched her and drifted inside her mouth. Kelsey’s fingers curled into the shirt he was wearing and she felt her body start trembling. His tongue met hers and that was when the explosion started!

  Nicholas shuddered and his arms went around her to bring her closer to him, deepening the kiss, his body molding itself to hers, his heart thundering inside his chest! His erection was painful and heavy and he knew he had been right the first time! There was something powerful here and much more than just mere attraction. He had been with enough women to know the difference! Her mouth tasted like honey and something else he could not put his fingers on and her body felt too right against his. Somehow through the heavy fog of intense desire, Kelsey found the will to drag her lips away from his, but she was not strong enough to pull out of his arms. They stood there in the circle of each other’s arms, their heavy breathing the only sound in the room. “Come home with me,” h said hoarsely, refusing to let her go.

  “No. Go and find someone else to play with. I am not available,” she told him coldly.

  “You think this is playing?” He pulled her closer to him, and she moaned as she felt the erection against her. “I don’t want to take you here because I have plans of seeing you naked and using my mouth all over your fine body.”

  His words and not to mention his touch were deadly combinations and for a moment she was tempted but just a moment until common sense kicked in. She was a strong independent black woman who had been through too much to fall for some mere sweet words. But his were not sweet, his were potent and to the point. Maybe… She broke off abruptly before the thought could be formulated!

  “Let go, Nicholas!” She pushed harder and managed to put some space between them but not enough.

  “How about dinner before I take you to bed?” he coaxed.

  “I have work to do and I am aware that you have no idea what it means to actually work so I am asking you to get out of here and let me do what I am here to do.”

  Kelsey looked at him in consternation as he laughed down at her softly. “You think insulting the fact that I do not lift straw can make me stop wanting you?”

  “Just go.”

  “No.” His head swooped down again, and as she tried to avoid his lips, he gripped her chin and held it fast claiming her lips in a fierce kiss that had her collapsing against him! His hands came around and felt for her breasts, brushing against the sensitive nipples as his mouth devoured hers! She moaned into his mouth as he pulled at the buttons on the jacket and felt the lace of her bra. He moved the material away and felt for her hard nipples, using his thumb to move over them while not letting go of her lips. His head lifted suddenly to look down at her, his green eyes turbulent. He dipped his head and took a nipple inside his mouth sucking it between his teeth and using his tongue to soften the effect. Kelsey cri
ed out softly and arched her back as the unfamiliar feeling tore through her. Never! This could not be happening, she thought feverishly. He lifted his head and looked down at her. She stood before him, her bosom exposed, her body heaving and her nipples wet, but she could not move to save her life.

  He lifted her and walked with her purposefully into her office, kicking the door shut behind them, and went to one of the sofas in the corner. He put her down and started to take off her clothes and still Kelsey could not say anything. He ran his hands down her hips before taking off her panties. Next, he took off his clothes and Kelsey gasped as she looked at his fully erect penis. He climbed onto the sofa, sliding the condom he had taken from his wallet onto his erection before entering her. She still had on her heels and knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was going to regret this before the night was over, but she needed it! He sank deeper inside her and she wrapped her legs around his waist, sliding her arms around his neck and into his shoulder length hair. His fingers dug into the neat chignon she had painstakingly fixed this morning before leaving her apartment and his lips came down to claim hers as his body moved against hers. It was not warm and comfortable and pleasant like the times she had experienced it with Duncan. This was different like striking a match and seeing the flare of light but in this case the light instead of getting dimmer was growing and growing into a mad fury that threatened to engulf them! Kelsey’s fingers dug into his taut back, but he did not feel the sting of it! He did not feel anything except the incredible tightness of her wrapped around him and the feel of her body beneath his.

  He left her mouth and drifted down her neck before easing up and going for her nipples. His mouth had barely touched her nipple before she was crying out her release, her fingers digging into his muscled shoulders as the orgasm tore through her in a wave that threatened to engulf her. He lifted his head to stare down at her before lifting her legs and placing them onto his shoulders as he increased the pace. He felt the tightening of his testicles and he knew he was on the very edge of his control. He abandoned it along with the shudder that went through his body as with a groan of defeat he emptied himself inside her.


  When she was able, a few minutes later, she pushed him off her and grabbing her clothes and headed to the bathroom to get dressed. Her hands trembled as she swiftly pulled on her black lace panties and then the rest of her clothes. She had had sex with Nicholas Peterson, billionaire playboy and a man who had never worked a day in his life! She buttoned up the jacket and realized that she had not buttoned it properly and had to do it again. She took a few minutes of deep breathing, and when she felt she was ready, she opened the door and went back out to her office. He was fully dressed and had helped himself to a bottle of her water from the mini fridge she had there. What should she say to him? He looked relaxed as if he had no intention of leaving! “I have some things to finish up,” she began and stopped when he held up a hand.

  “I get it,” he drawled in amusement. “You want me out of your hair. We had the amazing coupling and you do not want to have to deal with the awkwardness of the afterward.” He got to his feet and to her consternation he came towards her, stopping just in front of her. He lifted her chin and stared down into her dark brown eyes. “It was sensational and I have a feeling that we will be doing it again very soon.” He bent to take her lips with his, pulling her bottom lip into his mouth in a slow erotic manner that had her sagging against him. He released her abruptly and passed a thumb over her swollen lip, his touch lingering. “See you soon, sweet Kelsey,” he murmured throatily before he turned and left, closing the door behind him. Kelsey sank down into the chair behind her desk, her body trembling so much that she had to grip the desk tightly to try and control herself. He was right! It had been amazing! Sensational! And she was going to be wanting more!


  Nicholas did not go straight home. He went to the club. He could not bear the thought of going to that empty apartment after what had happened just now. He could still feel her on him. The tightness and the feel of her wrapped around him. He groaned and put the car into park, resting his head on the steering, his body shuddering as the sensation hit him. He had received more than he had bargained for, he thought ruefully as he alighted the vehicle. It was a little past eight and the place was filled with men having after dinner drinks. The ones with wives had already left for home and there left the ones who were still single like himself or the ones who were married but did not want to go home. He preferred the former rather than the latter. That was one of the reasons he had never given in to the pressure of getting married. He did not want to realize over the years that he had made a mistake and it was already too late. “A scotch straight up, Marty,” he told the elderly bartender who had been there since he could remember.

  “Right away, Mr. Peterson,” he said as he went to get the drink.

  He had taken the first sip when his phone rang.

  He grimaced as he realized that it was his brother David. “Not a good time-”

  “Dad had a heart attack!” he said tersely.

  He stiffened and clutched at the phone. “Where is he?”

  “Mother went with him to the hospital.”

  “I am on my way.”


  Kelsey left shortly after he did because there was no way she was going to concentrate after what she had experienced with him. Her body was alive and tense and she could not stop thinking about him and the way he made her feel! She let herself into her apartment and went straight to get herself a glass of wine, taking the whole bottle with her as she went into her bedroom. Usually she would have stopped by one of the restaurants to make sure everything was as it should be, but she was not in the mood. Damn him, she thought furiously as she poured a generous amount of the liquid in the glass and brought it to her lips. Her nipples felt stiff and sore and her body still had the imprint of his body on hers. She sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off her shoes, digging her toes into the rich burgundy carpet. She had selected her furniture with great care leaning more towards beauty rather than how expensive the item was and had scoured antique stores to find unusual pieces. She had educated herself, reading voraciously on the subject of art and décor. She did not waste money! Because she knew what lack felt like and she never wanted to face it again. She still had the apartment that Edna had left her and the restaurant was still there. The manager who ran that branch was living in it for a minimal amount of rent. She was loathed to let it go. It had been her start and she never wanted to forget it. She put away the glass and turned the bottle to her head drinking until she felt the alcohol burning through her stomach.

  She put the bottle onto a table beside the bed and flopped down onto the soft mattress, closing her eyes wearily. No amount of expensive red wine could erase what her body had felt like when he had made love to her. It was not something she was going to forget!


  They were all gathered there. The Peterson’s name had long reached and opened doors that would otherwise have been closed. They had been in one of the private waiting rooms that were offered to wealthy families like theirs. His mother ran to him and he closed his arms around her. It was the first time he had seen her looking so uncertain of herself and not her usual immaculate best. His two brothers stood to one side with grim expressions on their faces and their wives sat together holding hands. The children were not there. “How bad?” he asked his mother quietly, easing her away to look down at her.

  “Brian is doing an examination to see whether or not he is going to need surgery.” Her lips trembled as she clutched her son’s hands.

  “You are going to have to step up and actually work for a living now, Nicholas,” Graham Junior called out coldly, his expression rigid.

  “You are blaming me for this?” Nicholas asked him incredulously.

  “If you were doing your part, he would not have to be working so hard,” David ventured, looking from one brother to another.

nbsp; “Please!” Sarah Peterson held up one hand wearily. “No fighting. We just need to come together as a family.”

  “I am sorry, Mother.” Nicholas sent his two brothers withering looks before leading his mother to one of the sofas and sitting with her.

  It was several hours before they heard anything, and Graham Senior requested to speak to his youngest son alone after he had seen the others.

  “You sure know how to scare a guy,” Nicholas said as he pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed. Thank goodness it had not been worse even though his father looked shaken and weak. He had been ordered to cut back drastically from his work at the company and to relax more.

  “I actually scared myself.” He smiled slightly as he looked at his incredibly handsome son. He had accused Sarah of spoiling him rotten, but he had done the same thing. Nicholas had slid through life on his good looks and the money at his disposal, but it had to stop now.

  “I am stepping back from my position as president of the company,” he said quietly.


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