Mark: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 11) Read online

Page 8

  “Mother.” He kissed her cheek. “How is she?”

  “Behaving like a trooper and taking advantage of the fact that her brother is a celebrity. They have assigned her a private room.”

  “I am sure it is more due to the fact that she is a nurse at this hospital,” Mark said dryly as he took his seat. “Luke is with her?”

  “He is a nervous wreck and not of much use,” she said with a snort. “Men! Strong on the outside but weak where it matters.”

  “Thanks.” Mark’s tone was amused when he looked at her. They both looked up as Luke came in looking as if he had run a marathon with a smile on his face. “She is here. Eight pounds and two ounces.”


  “She looks like you,” Mark said softly, staring at his niece in fascination as he held her in his arms. Luke was stretched out on the sofa fast asleep and their mother had gone home for the night.

  “She looks like us,” Stephanie corrected her. “You are going to bring the boy to the table as soon as you decide to settle down.”

  He looked up at her and almost blurted out that he had messed up a good thing and was trying to get it back but he decided against it. “You just delivered a healthy baby girl and still find time to meddle into my affair,” he said lightly, looking down into eyes that looked startlingly like his.

  “That’s what I am here for,” she teased him. They were alike in so many ways, but she always envied the fact that he looked so much better than she did. His hair glinted in the glow of the overhead lights and the simple blue shirt he was wearing stretched taut across his chest. “You need someone, darling.”

  “I have you and now my niece.” He bent and placed a kiss on the baby’s cheek. “She is going to be so spoiled.”

  “She is,” Stephanie said warmly as she reached for her baby. “Her uncle is going to see to that.”

  Chapter 8

  “Someone is here to see you.” Marlene was looking at her strangely, excitement shining in her large blue eyes.

  Latoya looked up at her with a slight frown. She had a deadline to meet and a meeting with the partners in half an hour. “Who is it?”

  “Mark Seville,” she whispered in awe.

  Latoya stifled a sigh and almost told the girl to tell him she was busy, but she was guessing from the excited expression on her homely face that was not something she would be able to do. He had been sending her flowers and little cards for the past few weeks and she had been ignoring them. “Send him in,” she said, putting a smile on her face for the girl’s benefit.

  Latoya closed the book she had been going through and opening her small mirror she took a quick peek at her face. She had worn a dark blue pin striped skirt suit with a burgundy red blouse inside.

  She stiffened automatically as he was shown in by Marlene. The girl stood there looking at him with a besotted look on her face. “Close the door on your way out please.” Her voice was a little sharp as the girl just stood there.

  Latoya sat there not getting up from around her desk. He came into the room and looked around. “I like it,” he murmured as he looked at her, his eyes meeting hers.

  “What do you want, Mark?” she asked him coolly.

  “You have not called me,” he said softly.

  “I have been busy.” She looked at the books and folders on her desk pointedly.

  “When are you not going to be?” He had come over to her desk and the nearness of his presence was unnerving.

  “For a while.”

  “I need to see you.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “I have a niece,” he told her softly. “My sister gave birth last week. Her name is Markalia.” He smiled slightly. “So I guess that when we have a daughter that name is already taken.”

  She sat still and stared at him. He had not just said that! “What are you doing?” she whispered in a strangled tone.

  “I am trying to make you realize that I need you in my life and I am not taking no for an answer.”

  She pushed away from her desk and stood facing him. “When you left I could not function.” She shook back the thick heavy hair from her face, arresting his eyes. “I spent my nights crying into my pillows and my days messing up the research I was doing for my boss. He almost fired me, but because I was such a good employee in the past he took that into consideration. You messed me up pretty badly and I am never going there again.” She took a deep breath and stepped back from him.

  “I thought that this was the most important thing in my life; my writing.” His voice was quiet as he looked at her. “I thought that I had to do this to prove to myself that I could do it and I allowed it to consume me above everything else. I was wrong and I want a chance to make it up to you.”

  Latoya turned away from him and went to look out her window. They were on the second floor and she could see the passing vehicles whizzing by. May had come by with light rains and cooling temperatures, but inside her body was a sizzling inferno going on. She was not over him by a long shot, but he did not have to know that. “I have work to do,” she said coolly as she turned back to him. He had moved quietly and to her consternation she saw that he had come up behind her. “You need to leave.” Her throat was dry as she looked at him in front of her.

  “Give me a chance,” he pleaded, his amazing eyes holding hers.

  “No,” she responded, but the word had lost its power.

  “Please.” He reached up to cup her cheeks caressing the soft skin. Before she could say anything else, he had pulled her into the kiss. His mouth sought and found hers, the lips parting to give him access. Latoya knew she should push him away, but her body was too weak from longing and the intense desire he pulled from her. His hands drifted around her waist and pulled her closer to him letting her feel his arousal. With a moan, she curled her fingers into the soft light blue shirt he was wearing, clinging to him and returning the kiss with a fervor that had her trembling. Mark was exultant! His body curving to hers as he tried to show her how much he needed her. They were so deep into the kiss that at first they did into hear the ringing of the phone. It was as she was coming out of a deep fog and somehow she found the strength to push him away and hurried to get to the phone. “I am sorry to interrupt you, Latoya, but they are ready for you now.”

  “Thanks, Marlene, I will be right there.” She hung up and leaned against her desk, taking deep breaths before turning to see him behind her. “I have a meeting.”

  “I will pick you up later,” his said softly as he took in her swollen lips and heaving breasts.

  “No!” She took another deep breath. “Give me time to think.”

  “How long?”

  “I don’t know.” She lifted her hands and pushed her fingers through her hair in frustration. “Please, Mark, just leave.”

  “I am not going anywhere,” he warned her.

  She did not respond but watched as he left her and strode to the door. He turned back and looked at her, his eyes raking her face and lingering on her lips. “I am aching for you,” he told her softly and then left closing the door quietly behind him. Latoya closed her eyes in despair. She had worked so hard to forget about him and now this!


  “What are you doing here?” Stephanie asked him as she passed him a blanket to put onto his shoulder. He had come by without calling, bringing a huge package for his niece. He had been doing that ever since she had been born four weeks ago. Stephanie had decided to sit by the pool with her and take in the afternoon sun. Markalia had grown quite big rapidly and looking more adorable each day.

  “Am I not allowed to come and see my niece?” He nuzzled the baby’s neck, inhaling the fresh scent of powder and baby oil and closing his eyes.

  “You need to get one of your own.” She looked at her brother shrewdly. “Or have you found a woman to do so?”

  “Maybe.” He looked at her with a brief smile.

  Stephanie’s eyes widened as she looked at him. He looked more relaxed than she had ever seen him
and she suspected he was telling the truth. “Who is she? Is she a celebrity?”

  “No.” He laughed softly as he looked over at his sister. “And I am not ready to share her yet.”

  “You are in love with her.” Stephanie looked at her brother in wonder.

  His expression became unreadable for a moment and then cleared. “I am,” he said softly, the powerful emotion taking a hold of his internal organs with a force that had his breath backing up inside his throat. “I am in love with her.”


  She found him waiting for her one night as she left the office. It had been a particularly trying day with the partners in and out of the office going to court and an important document that had gone missing all of a sudden. Carter had been on her case about going out with him but she had refused. It was Friday night, the first one in June, and she was planning to just go home and soak in her tub for an hour before going to bed. Her steps flattened as she saw him leaning on a brand new Corvette with its top down. “I was thinking of driving you home, but I see you have a car.”

  “What are you doing here, Mark?” she asked wearily. She did not have the strength to fight him now.

  “I am waiting for you.” He leaned off the car and approached her. “I have the movie premiere next weekend and I figured it was time I revealed where my interests lies.” He lifted a hand and touched her face. “You look tired.”

  “I am going out,” she lied again.

  “With the guy I saw you with in the restaurant?” His hand cupped her cheek and tilted her face to him. “I would hate to have to tell him to back off, but I will.” His voice had hardened and sent shivers down her spine. “I will drive behind you and we can go to your apartment or you can come to mine. I would love to wake up with you in the morning.”

  “No.” The protest sounded weak even to her.

  “Yes.” He ducked his head and took her mouth in a hard and ruthless kiss that had her sagging against him. His tongue plundered hers and his arm pulled her into his going down to cup her bottom. Latoya gasped as she felt his rising erection, the heat unfurling inside her. He was the one who ended the kiss, his eyes more green than grey as he stared down at her. “If we don’t leave right now I am taking you right here,” he rasped. “It has been too long.” He released her and went to his car, expecting her to do likewise. She was trembling so badly that she had a hard time pressing the button when she got inside her car. She drove out after him and followed him to his apartment telling herself that she was just going to be with him this one time and that was it, but she knew with a sinking heart that it had started all over again!


  He still lived in the same apartment, she thought as she looked up at the building. He waited for her and took her hand as they went into the building together. He waved to the guard on duty and went straight to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, he pushed her back against the side of it and took her mouth with his hungrily. Latoya’s hands went to his head and her fingers dug through his thick hair curling into the strands tightly as she surrendered to the ardent movements of his lips against hers. The doors opened and he dragged himself away from her, his breathing ragged. He chafed with impatience as they made their way to door of his apartment. He pulled it open and waited until she had come inside. He stood there looking at her, his gaze taking in her simple cotton blouse and brown dress pants. He had so much to say to her but not now. He started to move towards her, but she stopped him. “Wait! Please,” she said, holding out her hands. He stopped and waited for her to finish. “I can’t do this.”

  “Do what?’

  “I cannot go back to loving you the way I did. It was too much and the pain was too much. I need to think.”

  “You have been thinking for a whole month. I gave you that.” He was advancing and she realized the determination on his face.

  “Please, Mark. I can’t do this again, please.” To her horror, she felt the tears coming to her eyes and coming down her cheeks. He stopped in his tracks and felt his heart breaking at her tears.

  “Latoya,” he murmured softly. With a groan, he came and picked her up into his arms, heading straight to his bedroom. She clung to him and buried her face into his chest as she cried softly. He sat with her on the bed cradling her into his arms as she cried. He waited until she had finished before putting her gently on the bed. Latoya watched as he got to his feet and undressed, her heart thundering in her throat as his body was revealed. He had lost a little weight but that only served to make his muscles more defined. He took off his underwear and her eyes strayed to his erection remembering the first time she had seen it and how scared she had been. He kneeled on the bed and undressed her slowly, peeling the pants off her and then her top. He unhooked her bra and cupped her breasts in his palms, his thumbs passing over the achingly stiff nipples. She arched her back up to him, her lips parting as the breath came rapidly. He stopped long enough to take off her panties, his fingers passing over her pubic area and lingering on her mound. His eyes met hers and held as his thumb massaged the protruding flesh. “I have missed you so much.” His voice was soft and hypnotic as he ran the pad of his thumb over her flesh. Latoya could not stay still. It was too much. The fire inside her burning too hot! “You have missed me too. I have been a fool and I will never hurt you that way again.” His thumb dipped inside and moved upwards causing her eyes to widen at the sensation. “Tell me you want me.” He was torturing her and she could not believe it. “Please baby.” His voice was hoarse as he pressed his thumb inside her, moving it in circles around inside her. She was panting like a dog in heat, her body trembling.

  “No,” she moaned. She reached out a hand to close over his strong one, feeling the tensing of his muscles as his thumb moved inside her.

  “Tell me,” he rasped. He removed his thumb and with a swift movement he lifted her feet and placed them onto his shoulders and bending his head his tongue reached out to taste and delved. The shock of it ripped the scream from her throat and had her toes curling onto his shoulders and her fingers gripping the sheets. She was going to die, she thought hazily. His teeth grazed her and she erupted immediately calling out his name and sobbing in disbelief. He licked at her gently, his fingers holding her steady until the tumultuous wave had passed. He moved her feet and came over her. She felt boneless as if she was floating on air and could hardly find the strength to lift her body as he entered her. Mark pushed into her gently savoring the incredible tightness of her against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and welcomed his thrusts with her own. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and her mouth opened as he bent his head to take her lips with his. The feel of her nipples against the hairs on his chest drove her to a mad frenzy and had her moaning inside his mouth. Mark pushed deeper inside her feeling the familiar wave of mad intensity surrounding him. He had not touched another woman since her. Mainly because he had been too out of touch with reality while he was writing but also because of what he had shared with her. He had waited and he would have waited longer just to experience this passion, this unbelievable emotion that he had almost lost. He was never going to let her go no matter what she said. They belonged together! And he was going to have to try and convince her of that!

  His lips left her and drifted down to her breasts. The moment his mouth touched her nipples she went off! Arching her back, she called out his name feverishly as the storm raged through her body! His mouth plundered her nipple relentlessly pulling the tight bud inside his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. He felt the orgasm tearing at him and with a deep growl he lifted his head to look down at her, his eyes more green than grey. His hands framed her face and his thrusts changed the pace as he lost control. “Let go and come with me,” he whispered hoarsely.

  Tears filled her eyes as she did so and with a cry of surrender she gave in and went over, clinging to him as they plunged in together!

  She hid her face in his chest as her trembling continued. His fingers drifted through her tangled h
air and his mouth kissed the top of her head as he held her to him. He was still inside her because he had no intention of getting out.

  “Hey,” he whispered at her.

  She shook her head and remained where she was.

  “Baby, we need to talk.”

  “No,” she whispered back and bit her lips, the words bringing back the memories of him leaving her.

  “I am not going anywhere,” he said, guessing what she was thinking. “I want you with me.”

  “I don’t want to talk,” she said huskily.

  “Okay, I will let it go for now, but I am not letting you out of my life. Not again.”

  She did not say anything and he took it to mean that she had understood and was prepared to deal with it.

  Within a few minutes, she started to move against him. He groaned as he felt himself harden again. “Latoya,” he murmured hoarsely. “Oh, Christ!” he muttered as she wrapped her legs around his waist and lifted her hips against him. “My darling!” he muttered as he started to thrust into her, his arms hard around her waist!


  She got up before he did early the next morning. He had explored her body until way into the night, making love to her with an intensity that drove her to the brink of madness. They had fallen into an exhausting sleep with her sprawled onto his chest with his arms around her. During the morning, he had shifted slightly; one hand flung onto the bed and the other loose around her waist. That was how she had managed to move away without waking him. She grabbed his shirt and put it on, closing her eyes at the spicy masculine scent of him before making her way out of the bedroom. Memories assailed her as she went into his office. He had made love to her on the desk, going down on her right here on the edge of it. She looked around and it still looked the same except for the fancy laptop on the desk. She had come home with him and he had proven to her that she still felt the same way about him only this time it was much stronger. This time he was taking everything and it scared her so much that she wrapped her arms around her stomach as she thought about it! She had told Coretta that he had come back into her life and was asking for another chance. Her friend had told her to be cautious. “You still love him, don’t you?” she had asked her.


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