Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17) Read online

Page 4

  Abby gave her a dry look and went into the bedroom.

  “So why are you awake at this ungodly hour of eight thirty on a Saturday morning?” Jenny asked following her and jumping onto the bed.

  “I promised Edward Moore I would deliver his suits for the function later and help him pick stuff out.” Abby sat on the vanity stool and started creaming her body.

  “Uh huh.”

  “What?” Abby looked at her friend in the mirror.

  “I think banker man likes you.”

  Abby burst out laughing as she rummaged through her drawers for underwear. “How drunk are you now?”

  “What! He cannot like you?”

  “Men like Edward Moore go for women like you only with more money and more brains.”

  “If you think I am insulted think again.”

  Abby went to her closet to get a pair of faded denims and a thin light blue cashmere sweater. “I love what I do and I don’t mind doing it on a Saturday and besides the side benefits are awesome!”

  “I hate you.” Jenny sighed. She had salivated over the dresses and shoes for a very long time and had done so again last night. “So what time will you get back?”

  “Maybe twelve.” She did not tell her friend that he was cooking breakfast in case she read something that was not there.

  “I will still be sleeping.”


  He got up early Saturday morning and looked around the spic and span house to make sure it was okay. He had showered and changed several times before he decided on faded jeans and white t-shirt. He had not bothered to brush his ash blonde hair not wanting her to think he was trying to impress her. He made the coffee and sat for a moment to enjoy a cup before he turned on the television in the kitchen and turned it to the financial news as he made the batter for the pancakes. He kept an ear out for her and at a quarter to ten he saw the car on the monitor. He pressed a button and she drove in with the gates closing behind her. He was nervous! He had to admit and he could not face her like a callow youth. He was a grown man who was respected in the banking industry and he should not allow his emotions to take over like this! The pep talk lasted until he saw her at the door. She was wearing jeans and her hair was loose around her face. Her complexion was a smooth cocoa brown and there was not one pimple on her face. And if he was not careful he was going to lose control.

  “Let me get those.” He took the clothes hidden beneath covers and hangers from her and gestured her in.

  “Something smells delicious.”

  “Go right in the kitchen. We will eat there. I am just going to take these into one of the bedrooms. Make yourself at home.”

  He had to stay in the room for several minutes and do some deep breathing before he came back out.

  She was seated around the marble counter in the middle of the ultramodern kitchen and she was sipping a cup of coffee as she looked around. “I hope you don’t mind. I smelled the coffee and could not resist stealing a cup.”

  “That’s fine.” He set about getting plates out and put them near her. Without asking Abby started helping him. He got the orange juice from the fridge and poured it into two glasses. He sat across from her and they started eating. “You were right,” she said her eyes gleaming as she ate her pancakes. “These are exceptionally good. IHOP has nothing on you.”

  “Thank you,” he said inclining his head gracefully. “More coffee?”

  “Yes, thanks.” She waited until he poured the coffee and came back to sit. “I happen to be attending the same function later.”

  His blood pressure spiked as he looked at her. “You are?”

  “Yes.” She sipped coffee and closed her eyes in appreciation. “Monique invited me.”

  “Good,” he sounded strangled. She would be there! “It’s the annual business people dinner and it is not too bad.”

  “Will there be dancing?” she asked as she looked at him with a smile.

  “Yes, there will be. Do you dance?”

  “Not the kind of dancing that is required at those functions,” Abigail said wryly.

  “Maybe you can teach me.”

  She looked at him startled. “You want to learn to dance and you want me to teach you?”

  He looked at her directly. “Yes.”

  Abby polished off the rest of the pancakes and got to her feet. “Okay, let’s go.”

  “Now?” He looked at her startled.

  “Nothing like the present or didn’t you mean it?”

  “Of course.” He tried to get his body under control.

  “Where is the music system?”

  “All around the house.” He went to touch something and music filled the room.

  “Nice,” she murmured looking for speakers but not finding any. “How about something lively?”

  He found Bruno Mars and she nodded. She held out her hands and he took them and brought her closer to him. “I will lead for now.”

  He held her stiffly as they circled the room but as soon as she had gotten used to him holding her she came closer to him. “Very good,” she murmured. It was near to the end of the song that she felt the change. She had been there enjoying the song and not thinking about Edward as a man until she found herself closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest. The song ended and still they stood in each other’s arms. Abby slowly came back to earth and when she did she jumped back!

  Chapter 4

  They stood there staring at each other for a moment and then Abby went back to the counter to take up her cup.

  “I take it the lesson is over?” he asked her softly as he turned the music off.

  “Yes, and we should get to the part where I pick out what you should wear,” she said a little coolly.

  He had offended her somehow and he wondered how he was going to make it right! “Of course. I am sorry if I was a klutz back there.”

  “You weren’t.” She allowed a small smile.

  “How about a tour before we get down to business?” His voice was persuasive as he looked at her.

  “Isn’t it going to take several days?” Her humor was back and he was relieved.

  “I will give you the abbreviated tour,” he said with a grin that made his face appeared boyish.

  “So two days then?”

  He laughed at that and went before her.

  She fell in love with the old country manor style place with its gentle décor and quiet ambience. There were six bedrooms in all and each one with their own bathroom. His was the largest with its muted blue and grey tones. She wandered in and looked at the closet taking up a very large space. There were several shelves from top to bottom with clothes neatly folded. Shoes lined one side and there were ties on a revolving rack. “I think we should get rid of these.” She walked around and looked at the sweaters, in dull colors folded neatly there.

  “All of them?” His voice sounded horrified and she turned to him with a laugh that punched him in the gut hard.

  “Three quarters.” She turned away and did not see his reaction. “And the ties, Edward! What were you thinking?” She started taking them off one at a time.

  “I have no idea.” He loved how she said his name! “So you see that I need help and lots of it.” He strove to keep the hopefulness from his voice.

  “You do,” she said absently as she rifled through the stacks of shirts. There were of two colors: white and beige and she cringed as she thought of him wearing them. With a sudden decision she pulled them off and placed them onto the padded seat behind her. She looked over at the rows of dark colored pants and started taking them down.

  “Need any help?” His tone was a little amused.

  “You would not know what to do.”

  He sat there and watched in fascination as she took down most of his clothes.

  “What I brought here is not enough. Come Monday I will be selecting things for fall and winter.” She went over to where his winter coats were hung and looked at them critically. “Oh, Edward,” she sighed softly and for
a minute he imagined him taking her right there on one of the stools or on the carpeted floor and her calling his name like that as he emptied himself inside her! He was hard! He groaned softly as he felt the weight of his erection. This was ridiculous, he thought in despair. He was not going to survive around her! He got to his feet abruptly and pull his shirt down to hide the bulge of his crotch. “I will get rid of these for you.” He started taking them up.

  “Could you put them in garbage bags and put them in my vehicle? I have a nursing home that would take them in a jiffy.”

  “Of course.” He hurried out to get the bags and concentrated on putting them in there. He lifted them and carried them out to the vehicle. He would not be able to give her the rest of the tour and he had to get her out of his bedroom pronto!

  She glanced at her watch and saw with surprise that it was after twelve! “I have to leave.” She picked up the black suits she had brought and chose one for him along with a crisp white shirt and red bow tie. “These will do along with the soft black leather shoes I saw you in at the office. And you are set.”

  “Thank you,” he said quietly.

  “You are welcome. I will call you on Monday and show you some colors for the sweaters and the shirts. And jeans.” She frowned a little bit. “You are going to need jeans and t-shirts.”

  “I am at your mercy,” he told her lightly.

  “You are going to regret saying that,” she said with that smile of hers. “See you later,” she said with a wave and she was gone.

  He stood in the middle of his yard and stared after her. She had been in his arms and he had felt the most unbelievable sensation of feelings assailing him. She belonged in this big house with him and he closed his eyes as he pictured her carrying his children. He could just see her sitting with him by the pool and dangling her feet into the warm blue water. His eyes snapped open and he swiftly went indoors. He had to find a way to make her know how he felt and to make her feel the same way!


  “Girl, you look amazing!” Jenny stared at her friend in shock. The dress had been made with her in mind and looked great against her skin. She had curled her hair and pinned it on top of her head. Gold earrings dangled at her lobes and the thin chain glistened around her neck. Her makeup was flawless and the nude eye shadow highlighted her large dark brown eyes. She turned in order that the girl could get the full effect.

  “You are definitely going to get a man tonight,” Jenny told her.

  Abby looked at her darkly. “I am not going there to get a husband. I am going there to have fun.”

  “You can do both.”

  Abby threw her robe at her and she dodged it. “What are you going to be doing?”

  “I have neglected my blog for the past two days and my fans are getting restless. So I am going to be writing and staying up to hear all about your night.”

  “Okay, see you later.” She grabbed her jacket and was off.


  Edward stood with the rest of the men in the crowded ballroom of Ryan’s hotel and waited for her. He listened half interestedly as his eyes went to the doorway. Where was she? He had seen the eyes of the single and some married females as he came into the room earlier and had smiled in spite of himself. One had started to come over but he had touched Leesa and engaged her in conversation before she could approach. His eyes widened as he saw her hesitated at the doorway. Good god, she was stunning! He broke away from the crowd immediately and went towards her. He saw when her smile came as she saw him and started walking to him. “Hi Edward. You look nice.”

  “So do you.” He took her hand and placed it on his arm. “The color suits you.”

  “Thank you.” She looked around the room and saw Monique standing with a group of women she recognized. “I am glad you are here, it stops me from being extremely intimidated.”

  “I am right here.”

  Monique introduced her to the wives there. She met Carrie Copeland, Leesa Wellington, Regina Brady, and Aaliyah Sullivan whose husband owned the hotel where the function was being held.

  The women were friendly enough but for the first time she felt a little insecure about her weight as she looked at them. They were petite and made her feel like a dump truck. As if Edward knew what she was thinking he asked to be excused and guided her away to sit at a table where he ordered something for them to eat. “So I am wearing the nice silk socks you picked out.”

  She looked at him for a moment and then smiled. “I did not pick out socks for you.”

  “I pictured you going through my sock drawer and imagined what you would have chosen,” he said with a twinkle in his dark grey eyes.

  “And what did you choose?”

  “Dark blue.”

  Abby laughed at that and he felt himself trembling again. Her laugh and smile should be bottled, he thought dazedly. “I would not have chosen that color.”

  “What would you have chosen?” he asked her huskily.


  “I kind of figured that out.”

  He did not stay far away from her even when Monique commandeered her attention and introduced her to a few potential clients. He hovered around and when she was free he would sit and chat with her. He pointed out who was who and would tell her little stories about them that would make her laugh. Before long it was almost twelve and she realized that she had to go.

  “I could take you home if you like,” he suggested as he saw her looking at her watch.

  “I drove.”

  “I could have your car picked up and delivered to your place. I hate the thought of you driving home all by yourself. My mother taught me to look out for women.”

  “Your mother sounds like a fine woman.”

  “She is.”

  “Okay. I will just tell Monique I am leaving.”

  “I will get the valet and make arrangements for your vehicle.”

  In a few minutes she was outside with her jacket on. He moved off the silver Mercedes and opened the door for her. She sat on the leather seat and almost purred at the softness. “Buckle up,” he told her as he got in.

  “I was just admiring the softness of your seat.”

  “I am glad you are comfortable. Let me get your address so I can put it into my GPS.”

  She told him and settled back against the seat. She felt like Cinderella in her beautiful dress and shoes and the modern day carriage that was taking her home. Edward looked like a prince with his well-groomed ash blonde hair and his tanned skin. Her eyes snapped open as she heard the soft strains of music.

  “I hope I did not disturb you,” he murmured as she turned to look at him.

  “You like R&B,” she said softly.

  “A mixture of that and the classics.”

  “So do I.” She closed her eyes again and he kept stealing glances at her. She had long lashes he noted and he wished he could turn the car around and take her to his place. He was not far into the journey when he heard her even breathing and knew she had fallen asleep. He turned the sound down and as he waited for the light to turn green he reached out to touch her cheek. So soft, he thought as he let his touch lingered. He pulled away and felt like a damn pervert! He drove leisurely not wanting to wake her and just wanting to be with her a little longer. It took an hour to get to her apartment building and as soon as he pulled up in the parking lot she woke up. “I fell asleep,” she said huskily and stretched. Her jacket gaped open and he caught a glimpse of her generous bosom and he could hardly keep still.

  “I was just about to wake you,” he said casually.

  “Thanks for bringing me home. That was kind of you.”

  “I am a kind guy.”

  She looked at him for a moment and then got out. “I will walk you to the door.”


  He stopped as soon as he reached the glass door and she touched his arm briefly. “I will see you on Monday.”

  “You will.” He stepped back to allow a man to pass and watched as she said something t
o the guard and then went on her way. He turned and went into his vehicle and made his lonely way home, feeling depressed and tired.


  Jenny was sound asleep when she opened the door and let herself in. She was sleeping on the sofa with an old blanket thrown over her and her laptop open on the hardwood floor. Abby smiled as she looked down at her friend and without waking her she slipped past and went into her room. She took off the dress carefully and hung it into her small closet. Her mind flashed back to Edward’s huge space that was as big as her room or bigger. She sat on the side of the bed and took off her shoes and nude stockings rubbing her feet absently. She had slept the entire way home and was not sleepy now. It had been fun and Edward had been so kind to her. Why was he anyway? Monique had told her that he was like a gentle giant and was always helping out people. She had danced with him in his kitchen and had felt something but had quickly dismissed it. They were miles apart and whatever she had felt had just been a normal woman’s reaction to a very attractive man. He had made her laugh at the function and had gone out of his way to make her feel comfortable. She had a feeling he had deliberately steered her away from Monique and her friends because she had started to feel a little inferior. She got up and went to her small dresser to cream off her makeup. She had just put her nightgown on when Jenny wandered into the room. “You bitch, you did not wake me,” she said accusingly as she sat on the side of the bed.

  “You were sleeping so peacefully,” Abby said with a laugh as she climbed onto the bed and pulled the covers over her. “I take it you are awake now?”

  “I am and I am all ears.” She pulled the covers and settled herself comfortably on the pillows next to her friend. She listened fascinated as Abby told her the people she had seen there. “Have I told you how much I really envy you?”

  “Several times,” Abby said with a grin. “When Edward was taking me home-”

  “Wait what?” Jenny flew up off the pillows and stared at her friend.

  “I said Edward took me home. He said he did not like the idea of me traveling by myself.”

  “And you don’t find that strange?”

  “No,” Abby said firmly. “He was being a gentleman.”


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