Edward: BBW (Members From Money Book 17) Read online

Page 5

  “The man lives on the other side of town and went out of his way to take you home and you do not find that strange?”

  “No!” Abby said in exasperation. “He is just being nice.”

  “If you believe that I am really disappointed in you.”


  Edward did not indulge in several things: he did not smoke because he knew the horror it eventually caused to your lungs and not to mention the stain on your teeth and what it did to your breath! He also did not pay for sex. He thought that sex was the meeting of bodies and soul and it would be a shame to cheapen it by paying for it. He did not bash the ones who did and figured they were entitled to their choices but personally he did not do it. But for the first time in his life he actually thought about it! When he got home and took off his clothes he went straight to the bathroom and went beneath the shower to try and cool off. Maybe if he paid someone to have sex with him he would probably get it under control and not disgrace himself the next time he saw her! It was heading there and it was coming to a time when he could not control it! His body craved her so much that he was having a very difficult time dealing with it! He could not believe that such intense feeling existed! He ached to be with her so much that it was like a fever burning up inside him! She was coming to his office on Monday and he know he should tell her to stay away. If he was alone with her he was going to have her! He turned off the shower and stood there staring at his slowly deflating penis. His erection was going down but the fever inside him was still burning hot! Maybe if he drank himself silly he would be able to sleep but he did not believe in drinking so much that you lose all your faculties. He could not afford that. He climbed out and reached for a towel to wrap around his waist and went to his room, heading straight for the closet. Her scent still lingered and he inhaled sharply. He sat on one of the padded seats and buried his head in his hands. He felt as if he was going crazy and did not quite know what to do about it. He lifted his head and stared at the gap in his wardrobe where she had pulled down his clothes and replaced them with more classic ones. She had sent him pictures of what she was sending and he had told her to decide. Maybe they should just do this over the phone or text messages and then she would not have to see him burning with desire for her. But he need to see her and if he did not he was not going to survive!


  She could not sleep that night. Even after Jenny had finally gone to her room she had been doing a lot of thinking. Surely her friend was wrong! And why was she entertaining the idea that Edward would be interested in her? She turned and fluffed her pillows to find a more comfortable space to lay her head. She liked him, she had to admit, and who wouldn’t? He was a very gracious man and did not behave as if he was better than anyone else. She had done some research on him and found that he was astonishingly wealthy and very low key. He did not allow his pictures to be taken much. He had graduated with first class honors from Harvard Business and was said to be the smartest financial head there was. He had streamlined the banking industry and made it so that banks lend money to government workers and people with low income, while not gouging them for a hefty profit. He was a very powerful man and even the president went to him for advice. He was also well traveled and could be seen with heads of government all over the world. Abby’s head had ached at the amount of things he was involved in. She had read about his parents and grandparents and knew he came from a long line of money. Jenny was wrong and had a lot of imagination. There was no way a man like Edward would be interested in her. And if he was? A little voice whispered in her ear. “He is not!” she whispered. “I am not in his league.”


  “Did you see the way Edward was hovering around Abby?” Monique asked her husband softly as he pulled the covers over their naked bodies. They had gotten home at two in the morning and after checking on the children had come up to their suite where he had made love to her slowly and thoroughly. Lorenzo was Italian and as such he was a skilled and very passionate lover and Monique loved it and loved him with everything she had in her.

  “You are matchmaking, mi amor.” He kissed her cheek as he pulled her into his arms.

  “I am not,” she protested as she stroked his muscled chest. “It’s just that he is lonely and I want to see him have what we have.”

  “Not everyone can have what we have.” His fingers were stroking the insides of her legs causing her to shiver. “We have wonderful.”

  “We do.” She opened her legs to allow him access, her body already brimming with need. “But so do most of our friends, Lorenzo,” she murmured as his long fingers found their target.

  “I need attention,” he murmured as he took her lips in a fiery kiss that erased everything else from her brain!

  Chapter 5

  Lisa had a specific routine: She would come in before everyone else and make sure that everything was ready to start the week. Her husband and children understood that she had a vested interest in what she did and did not mind picking up the slack for her. Edward was more than an employee to her and she had been wooed by many business men but had turned them down flat. She was very good at her job and anticipated her employer’s every move which made her indispensable. Monday was usually the busiest day with rounds of meetings and conference calls. Edward usually came in at seven-thirty sharp and she made sure his coffee was ready and that his calls were sent to the message section of his mails. She looked around his large neat office and nodded in approval. Her large green eyes brightened as she heard his step in the outer office. “Just in time. You have a few minutes of quiet before I start throwing things at-” She petered off abruptly as she saw him framed in the doorway. “Edward!” She hurried over to him as he leaned against the door. “What on earth!” She helped him to the sofa where he rested his head back against the cushions. He was pale and looked haggard. “I am calling Doctor Wayneford,” she said firmly.

  “I am just a little under the weather,” he rasped.

  “And I am just a little married.” She felt his forehead and recoiled at the heat there. “Why did you leave the house?”

  “Because I have meetings.”

  “And I am now going to cancel all of them.” She went about doing that after she had called the doctor who came in after a few minutes. Lisa closed the door to give them some privacy and went calmly at canceling the meetings he had and made the calls to let them know he was indisposed at the moment. “Of course, Mr. Tanisha, I will let him know and call you back as soon as possible.” She called the reception area. “Please direct all calls to me and none to Mr. Moore,” she told the girl who answered.

  She had just finished diverting everything when the doctor came out. “A twenty-four hour bug,” he said with a nod of his head. “I have prescribed something and gave him some antibiotics. He is going to be sleeping for a little bit.”

  “I will make sure he is not disturbed.”

  She went in and looked at him sleeping on the sofa and swiftly took off his shoes and spread a blanket over him. She left his office and closed the door behind her.


  Abby spent the day dealing with a client who insisted that he had to have some clothes delivered right now as he was going to a series of function that required dressing up in his best. It was some minutes to five before she was finished with him and another half hour before she was able to leave. She had not heard anything from Edward but she was assuming that they were still on for later. She was halfway to his office when she realized that her phone battery had died. With a shrug she continued on her way and blamed her friend Jenny for putting these thoughts inside her head. She pulled up outside in the parking lot and realized that most of the cars had left already. It was almost six-thirty and had gotten dark but she had not had any charge on her phone to tell him that she was still coming. The security guard rushed to open the doors for her and she went to his private elevator. His secretary’s office was empty and her desk neat. His door was opened and she hesitated a moment before making he
r way in. She stopped abruptly as she saw him lying on the sofa with his head propped up on pillows and an iPad in his hands. “Come on in,” he said with a faint smile as he looked at her. “Lisa tried to call you to cancel even though I told her not to.”

  “My phone battery died.” She came into the room. “Are you okay?”

  “I caught a twenty-four bug but I am okay now.”

  “And you came to work?” She sat at his feet without even thinking about it.

  He pulled up his long legs to give her more room. “I am a workaholic,” he admitted. “And I hate staying at home. Lisa kept most of the work from me and I was only allowed to do a minimal amount.”

  “Good for her.” She leaned over and felt his forehead and jumped when he recoiled. “I am sorry,” she said as she got to her feet.

  “So am I,” he told her grimly. He still felt a little weak even though the virus had worked itself out of his body and he was vulnerable as hell. “I made a mistake.” He swung his legs off and got to his feet stumbling a little bit as his head turned. Abby reached out to hold him unconsciously but she pulled back her hand. “I should not have told you to come.”

  “I am here so we might as well-”

  “No!” His voice was like whiplash and had her staring at him. “I cannot stand to be in the same room with you. Don’t you get it?” He sat down on the sofa and put his hands on his head. He had messed up royally and he had no idea how to go about fixing it. He had to stay away from her.

  Abby stared at him in shock. He had not struck her as that kind of person and she felt the disappointment and hurt racing through her. “I am sorry. I will get Monique to assign someone else to you.” She fought the tears as she gathered up her pocketbook and satchel.

  He stopped her before she got to the door. “You don’t understand,” he said wearily as he held her arm. “My body craves yours and I cannot control myself around you.” This time it was shock and amazement as she stared up into his grey eyes. “I don’t have the strength especially now to fight what you make me feel.” His hand dropped and he stood there staring at her. “Please, you have to leave.”

  “What are you saying?” Abby whispered.

  “I want you more than I want food or water. I have a raging fever just thinking about you and I cannot control my reactions when you are near. I am sorry.”

  Her mouth was dry and her body felt clammy. “Edward-“

  “Dammit go!” he said achingly. “Just go.” But he moved towards her swiftly and she met his fevered touch as he pulled her into his arms. His mouth came down hard and took her in a bruising movement that slammed her against the door. His body was on fire and he stepped back from her and tore the clothes off him ripping buttons as he went along. Abby had worn a bright blue silk blouse with a white pants and he took them off feverishly. His mouth wandered over her face restlessly and down her neck until he came to the top of her surprisingly small breasts. He pulled her away from the door and she laid on the sofa. He took off his underwear and her gaze went to his stiff and aching penis. He took a nipple inside his mouth while his hands parted her thick legs making room so he could touch her intimately. He lifted his head to look at her as he put his fingers inside her working into the tightness of her. Abby arched her starving body towards his, all sane thinking gone out of her head. She came the moment he bent his head to take her nipple inside his mouth. He got to his feet and came over her going between her legs and entering her slowly his body a molten ball of flames. She was tight, so tight and when she lifted her legs to give him access he almost cried. Yes! This was what he needed and now that he had it he felt as if he was swirling out of control. His thrust became fevered and he was almost delirious as he thrust into her. His mouth descended and he took her lips with his roughly, his fingers digging into her thick hair and holding onto her. He had not used anything! But he did not care. Right now the only thing he could think of was him inside her! His mouth softened on hers and he felt his testicles tightening. He tore his mouth from hers and rest his head on her forehead, his breathing shallow and his body shuddering. His body stiffened and with a broken cry he emptied himself inside her as if he would not stop!

  He stumbled off her when he could and quickly reached for his clothes putting them on hurriedly avoiding her eyes as he got dressed. He left her and went into a room that she was assuming was the bathroom. She laid there and waited for the tremors to leave her body before she got to her feet and put her clothes back on. Her blouse was missing several buttons and she was happy she had her jacket to cover it. She had made love to a client and that was not acceptable, especially since the client was Edward Moore. She waited for him to come out but he did not and she picked up the stuff and headed to the door. She walked jerkily to the elevator and just as the doors were closing he came out. His dark grey eyes looked haunted and his expression was grim. He stepped into the car and before she could say anything to him he braced her back and took her lips in a kiss that had her trembling. His tongue devoured hers and she clutched him, digging her nails into the cobalt blue shirt that he had left unbuttoned. He sprang away from her when the doors started opening and leaned back against the corner as he watched her leave. Abby barely acknowledged the guard as he opened the doors for her. She went outside and sat in the car for several minutes before she could move. What was she going to do?


  He did not go home. It would have meant going into the house and thinking about her until he was crazy. He did not want to sleep anyway as he had slept almost the entire day. He knew he was not going to convince her to come back here. He had made love to her and she had reciprocated but that did not mean she was into him the way he needed her. So he had had her and his craving had been far from satisfied. He wanted her so much that he was getting sick about it. He went to the liquor cabinet and poured himself some whiskey drinking it down too hastily and ended up coughing. He avoided the sofa where he had taken her and went to one of the other sofas where he sat heavily with the drink clasped loosely in his hands. So he had told her that he needed her and he craved her and if that had not freaked her out then she was made of very strong stuff! He emptied the glass and laid back against the cushion. “Abby,” he whispered feeling the mixture of liquor and medication taking its tool. Before long he drifted off to sleep with her on his mind and his body craving hers. He twisted and turned for several more minutes before he settled down.


  Abby hoped fervently that Jenny was not there. She had said something about going to get some research done for her blog. She nodded to the guard on duty and made her way up clutching her jacket to her. She had blasted the music in the car so she would not think but it had not made a difference. She kept thinking about the passion that had overrode her common sense. She had made love to one of the wealthiest man in the world and had done so without protection.

  “Abby, dear, how are you?” Elderly Mrs. Marks stopped her as she was about to open the door.

  She forced herself to smile as she looked at the sprightly woman who was in charge of collecting funds to plant flowers at the front. “I am okay, Mrs. Marks, and you?”

  “I am fine, my dear. You are working so late. We planned a Bridge night on Friday but you were not here.”

  Thank goodness for that, Abby thought. “I have been busy.”

  “Okay, dear, go and get some rest. I promised Edna I would come and visit. As you know she is not feeling well.”

  Abby felt the guilt. “I will try and come and see her one evening.”

  “I am sure she would love that.” With a wave she was gone.

  Abby let herself into the apartment and almost sagged in relief at the silence. She hurried into her bathroom and stripped, stuffing the ruined blouse into her hamper. She stared at herself in the mirror and saw the wisps of hair hanging around her face. He had plunged his fingers into her hair and held her tight digging into her scalp as he thrust into her. “No,” she moaned as her nipples tightened. “Please no.” She sa
t heavily on the stool there. She headed to the shower and turned it on as hot as she could bear it. Her nipples felt raw and sensitive from his mouth and her pubic felt as if he was still inside her. She scrubbed herself vigorously as if trying to erase the lovemaking and the trembling inside her. She had done the unthinkable and she had no idea how to deal with it. What if somehow Monique heard about it? She had slept with their client and they were trying to build up on the clientele they had. It did not matter that he had been the one who approached her, she should have resisted him even if her body had been on fire for his! His body had been taut and muscled and it had surprised her as she felt him on top of her. When he entered her she had reared up in shock as he plunged inside her, deep into her soul. It had been feverish and rough but she had not minded. It had been meant to be like that. They had come at each other like animals in heat! She rubbed the water over her face vigorously before stepping out of the shower. She was hoping that something would come to her tomorrow!


  She prepared the speech beforehand. She had pretended to be asleep when Jenny came in and had evened her breathing when she stepped into the room. In the morning she woke up early and got ready before Jenny woke up and while in the bathroom she had prepared what she was going to say.

  “Monique, I have a bit of client dealings with right now and I think that Edward can manage on his own-“ She stopped and sighed. “I think that Mr. Moore has gotten the hang of everything now and does not need my expertise anymore.” It all sounded well and good but the problem was getting her expression to remain neutral and professional! She had broken the cardinal rule: Never get involved with your clients especially clients as rich as Edward Moore! It not only put her job in jeopardy put had put both of them in a very uncomfortable position. She had not been able to stop thinking about him all night and had felt him inside her for the entire time even now. Looking at him and the way he acted she had never expected so much fire and heat and his penis! Oh God! She leaned against the sink and closed her eyes. He had told her he craved her more than food and water but that had just been something to get into her panties and he had accomplished that! So now she was rehearsing her speech!


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