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Ethan (Members From Money Book 37) Page 4
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Page 4
“But I can save some.” She had told her friend. There are people suffering and I am not going to turn a blind eye to their suffering. Imagine a country so fruitful and with so many resources and yet we have children suffering from lack of food and some lack of shelters. I intend to make a difference.” She had vowed. She sipped the wine contemplatively. Even her closet was sparse. Whenever she had to attend a function she would go out and get something to wear. She had no intention of piling up clothes that she had no use for when the money could be done for much better things. She grinned as she remembered the first time her mother had come over to visit her. She had been horrified at the lack of furnishings and had almost had a heart attack when she looked into the small closet.
“Do you have another room for the rest of clothes?” she had asked.
“Nope. The extra room is where I have my home office. This is it.” She had told her.
“There aren’t any clothes in here.”
“Those are enough for what I need Mother.”
“Darling you cannot live like this! What will people say?” she had exclaimed in horror.
“What people?”
“People who know us.”
“I don’t have visitors because I am not the kind to entertain them and frankly I don’t tolerate gossip so I am fine.”
Her mother had looked at her as if she was going to burst into tears and never made the visit again. This was fine by her. Harper could not stand the drama!
“What’s wrong?” Erin wandered over to her sister’s side and stared at her. It was a pre-Christmas party that was being held at an associate’s home and they had been required to attend. The twins never wore identical dresses but rather distinguished themselves by being different. Erin was wearing dazzling blue that matched their eyes and Erica was elegant in silver. “What do you mean?”
“You look as if this is the last place you want to be and I have been watching you for the past half hour and seen you turn away three different men who wanted to dance. This is not a wake my darling sister so you need to look alive.”
Erica sipped her champagne as a way for something to do. She was counting the hours when it would be prudent for her to leave. “You know I hate these gatherings.” She looked at her twin. “I am not like you.”
“Thank God for that!” Erin exclaimed as she looked over to where Adam was standing with their brother. “You are certainly not the life of the party.”
“I see you have not made a move on Adam yet,” Erica said in amusement.
“Our dear brother forbade me to,” she said with a pout.
“And you don’t know why that is?”
Erin turned to look at her. “You are not agreeing with him, are you? You are supposed to be on my side.”
“I am always on your side darling, but you break hearts Erin and everyone knows that. Adam and his family are friends of ours and Mother would never forgive you if you did anything to jeopardize that.”
“Who said anything about breaking his heart?” she asked moodily as she stared at the tall darkly handsome man. Both of them together were turning heads.
“What happened with Philippe?”
“He became such a bore,” she met her sister’s eyes. “You knew that too Erica. The man talks about nothing more than farming and how the country can fare better with more farm lands.”
“And before that you were so into him.”
“Because he looks good,” she caught the laughter in her sister’s eyes. “So fine I am interested in men for their outward appearances so what’s wrong with that?”
“It means that you are shallow,” Erica put her empty glass into the tray left on the table and looked at her thin jeweled watch. “I think I have done my required duty. I am going home.”
“I am going to try and dance with Reggie. I hope it makes Adam jealous and then do something about it,” she waved to her sister and drifted away. Erica watched in amusement for a moment as she placed a hand on Reggie’s arm and smiled at him. Then requesting her coat and without telling the rest of her family she made her leave. He was waiting for her!
Chapter 4
“Here you go,” Harper handed the plate of food to a man as he shuffled down the line. She was in charge of putting the sliced turkey onto the plates along with the stuffing and she was not stingy about doing so. She had added extra grocery using some of her money and money she had begged off those at the newspaper she free-lanced for. So there was more than enough food to last.
“Thank you,” he whispered hoarsely as he shuffled along.
“Old man Bart. He comes along every single day wanting something to eat. He stays out on the streets and refuses to go into a shelter.” Mavis, one of the women in charge of the soup kitchen, told her as she did her part. “Rumor has it that several years ago he was married and had a family of his own and lost them to an accident. He has been this way ever since.”
“Rumors or fact?” Harper murmured as she put the meat into another person’s plate.
The middle-aged woman glanced over at the beautiful young woman. She had found herself wondering what a woman like her was doing serving at a soup kitchen. She stood out like a sore thumb. Even though she was wearing faded denims that seemed as if they had been worn frequently she still managed to show who she was: a rich girl who had been pampered all her life. Mavis wondered if she was seeking absolution. “Fact,” Mavis said airily.
Harper’s eyes went to where the man sat eating his meal slowly as if prolonging it, not wanting it to finish. She continued serving until the last person had taken a plate and some had even come over for seconds including Bart. His coat was threadbare and hardly seemed enough to combat the extreme cold. It had not snowed yet but it was predicted to snow on Christmas Day or maybe the day after. She took her small plate and went over to the table where the man was sitting.
“Hi,” she said with a smile. “My name is Harper.”
“Bart,” he said gruffly.
“Would you like some more?” she looked at his almost empty plate.
“I had two servings already.” He told her as if she had not been the one to serve him.
“There is no limit,” she assured him. “Would you like me to get it for you?”
He looked at her for a moment, his watery blue eyes bleary and then nodded. She left hers and went to share out some more for him and brought it back to him.
“Thanks,” he brought the plate closer and started eating.
“Where are you headed after this?” she asked him casually.
He shrugged and continued eating.
“I could find you a place to stay. It’s cold out.”
He looked over at her. “Why do you care?” he asked her.
“Because I do and because I don’t want you freezing to death.” She told him.
“I don’t like shelters.” He muttered.
“Why not?”
“Things happen in shelters. Bad things.”
“I know a place where the owner is a friend of mine and I can assure you that nothing bad happens there. He takes care of the people who stay there.”
“Just a few blocks up the road. My car is parked outside so I could take you there.”
He looked down at his dirty clothes. “I am not fit to go into your car.”
“My car can be washed so don’t worry about it and I could get you a thick coat and some change of clothes.”
“Why do you care?” he asked her again.
“I have no idea. I think I was born this way,” she said with a smile.
He stared at her and then smiled too. He looked so forlorn even with the smile that she felt her heart breaking. “So what do you say?”
He nodded.
“Good. Let’s finish eating and go.”
“My dear, you seem distracted,” Clive stated as he handed her the glass of wine. It was Christmas Day and she had left the house early telling the st
aff to let her children know that she was visiting friends. There would be a big party at the manor later and the caterers and decorators were in and out making sure everything was okay for tonight so she had slipped away. And besides, the children were still sleeping after the party last night. There was still nothing where the drug was concerned but the investigation was still going on. “The party later and the functions lined up for the rest of the year.” She said evasively. “I am not sure I have the strength for that sort of thing again.”
“So don’t go,” he said softly as he took a seat next to her. “Your children can represent you at these things, Evelyn. You have done enough.”
“I am expected to be present darling.” She said with a sigh as she sipped her wine. “I wish we could go away to a Caribbean island together. Is there some way you could sneak off with me in the coming week? We could go to St. Bart’s or even Cancun.”
“That sounds lovely darling, but I am hosting several charity functions with the former First Lady and I have to be in attendance.”
“You work too hard,” he said with a sigh. “I am happy that I am around to ease some of the burdens.”
She turned to look at him suddenly. “You have always been such a dear friend and especially when I lost Blair. I have to ask you this: is it out of a sense of duty that you are here for me?”
He looked at her with a hurt look on his craggy face. “You know that is not it Evelyn. You know how I feel about you. Where is this coming from?”
She put aside her glass and turned to him. “I have to know for sure. Blair was the love of my life and I know Eugenie meant a lot to you. We have both been married before to people we were in love with Clive.”
“And yet we have been given a second chance.” He pointed out.
“We have,” she took his hands in hers. “I don’t trust easily. In my position as a Shaw, I cannot afford that luxury but I trust you.”
“As you should,” he said sincerely. “I have money Evelyn but nothing compared to what you have and I would never be able to keep you in the lifestyle you are accustomed to.”
“That’s okay,” she squeezed his hands and let go, reaching for the wine. “I find comfort and safety here away from all the cares and frenzied lifestyle that I am accustomed to.”
He pulled her into his arms.
“I am happy for that.”
“Your mother called again?” Laila handed her the plate of potato pie and sat opposite her in the easy chair. The kids had been fed and were watching a movie in their mother’s room. Harper had come over early and helped with the cooking. “She called last night and asked if I had changed my mind.”
“I told her no.”
“And of course she proceeded to tell you how you are breaking her heart,” Laila said with a grin as she drank her hot chocolate. She had been grateful to the girl for coming over to spend the day with her. She did not do very well on Christmas without her husband.
“Precisely,” Harper said in amusement. “I spent fifteen minutes listening to how she felt and what was she going to do when people asked her. I told her to tell them that I am off to the Caribbean. I think that gave her an idea.”
“You think she will tell them that?”
“I think my mother would lie to suit her purpose,” Harper said dryly as she shook back her thick black hair. “She likes to make herself look good.”
Laila laughed at that. “How was the soup kitchen?”
“It was very good. I met a man there.”
“You did?” Laila leaned forward with interest.
It was Harper’s turn to laugh. “Not that kind. You are no different from Mother. This sad looking man who lost his entire family several years ago and is now living on the streets. I found him a place to stay and bought him a coat and some clothes.” She hesitated. “I know you have some of Barry’s things in the basement. I was wondering if you would--”
“Hand them over to a homeless man.” Laila finished the sentence.
“Is that heartless of me to ask?”
“No you are just being Harper,” Laila said with a smile. “I have his ring and his watch and the clothes he wore for our wedding in one box marked special memories. His every day clothes and coats are in other boxes. I was thinking that it is time I gave them away.” She said softly.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Give it to people who want them Harper.”
Harper reached forward and closed her hands around her friend’s. “I don’t know what it is like to lose a loved one.”
“I hope you never have to know.”
“This is quite a crush!” Samantha said with a laugh as she clung to Ethan’s arm. She had been very concerned when he had started avoiding her but had been grateful when he had invited her to the party at his place. He had never brought her here, never officially introduced her to the members of his family but she was determined to bide her time. She had chosen her dress carefully: a silver gown that hugged her slight curves and suited her well. She knew she could never out dress his mother and sisters or the women in his society but she knew she looked very elegant!
“It usually is,” he guided her over to where several of the wives of the members of his club were conversing and introduced her. Samantha was not sure she felt comfortable with them. She had read about them and also read the comments about black women poaching on white women’s territory but had dismissed that as nonsense. But seeing them now up close and realizing that they had formed a clique of very powerful women, she was starting to wonder. They were well dressed and very beautiful. In fact, they stood out from the rest of the women in the room. She recognized every single one of them because they were very visible, having heading the numerous charities that they were involved in. They included her in the conversation out of politeness, but as soon as she was able she made her escape and went to find his sisters. She had spoken to one of them before; she could not say which one because she could not tell them apart. She was hoping desperately that Ethan would make his intentions clear to her. She desperately needed to know.
“Stop worrying. It’s natural for me to be seen talking to you. There are other staff members here,” Erica murmured softly.
He had been terrified when she had insisted that he came and had almost said no. Now that he saw her in her element and the massive home she belonged to he wondered what he had done! Even the dress she was wearing cost more than a year’s rent at his apartment! He had seen her dancing with several of the men who belonged in her society and had been eaten up with jealousy!
“I don’t belong here Erica and you should be able to see that.” He had rented a tux because she had told him that it was formal and the tie was cutting off his circulation.
“I don’t see anything like that.” She told him. She would have to start talking to some of the other guests soon to avoid suspicion. She was wondering if she could sneak him up to her suite late and have him spend the night. “Just relax and enjoy the party.”
“I will try,” he forced a smile. “You need to mingle.”
Before she could move away Erin glided over. Both sisters were wearing blue but different shades and looked stunning! “Mark?” she stared at the man next to her sister. “Is that really you?”
“I am afraid so,” he said with a rueful smile.
“You clean up well.” She took his arm. “How about a dance?”
“I don’t think so--”
“You cannot say no to me. I am your employer.”
“I am not at work now.”
“Erin leave him alone.” Her sister said in irritation.
She ignored both of them and dragged him onto the dance floor. Erica stood there looking at them and tried to will the jealousy away. Her sister was vivacious and never much cared what people say about her. But Erica was in love with Mark and if she went on the dance floor with him surely people would notice that it was not casual. She wished it w
as different but they were watched by almost every eye. She tore her eyes away from them and went around the room, trying to make conversation.
Samantha touched her arm just as she was about to reach for a drink. “Erica?”
“Good. I can never tell you two apart.” She said with a laugh.
“Yes. I was starting to feel out of place.”
“Where is Ethan?”
“Talking business,” the woman said lightly.
Erica stifled a sigh. “Let’s remedy that.”
“No please!” the woman touched her arm. “I don’t want it to seem that I am too needy.”
“He invited you here and he left you on your own. He is my brother and I love him but he is so dense.” Erica said impatiently.
“Would you mind me hanging with you until he remembers that I am here?” she asked.
“Of course,” Erica, ever the perfect hostess told her.
Her sister had just finished dancing with Mark and they came over. “Mark here is a terrific dancer. I told him that I will circle back for another dance. Samantha, how are you?”
“Very well. Thank you.”
“And I see my brother has deserted you.”
“Erin!” her sister said sharply.
“Well, it’s true.” Erin said, her dark blue eyes twinkling. “I am the sister who speaks her mind. Erica is the diplomatic one.”
“So I see,” Samantha said as she tried not to show her resentment.
“Well come along then and let’s go and find that brother of mine.”
“I am sorry I left you on your own.” Ethan said as he circled with her on the dance floor.
“It’s okay,” she said with a forced smile. “Your sisters kept me company.”
“Erin said that I am the worst host in the world,” he said with a trace of amusement.
“Is that all you are? A host?”
“Lover?” he asked with a quirk of his thick brows.
“When are you going to become something else?” she asked him.