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Ethan (Members From Money Book 37) Page 5
Ethan (Members From Money Book 37) Read online
Page 5
“Like a husband?” he asked her. “You know I am not ready for that yet.”
“I am wondering if you will ever be ready,” she murmured.
“Where is this coming from?” he asked her with a frown.
“I am sorry,” she murmured. “Let’s enjoy the dance.”
He did not pursue the conversation much to her disappointment and she had a feeling that he would never be ready to go the next step with her!
Harper went back to look for him, the day after Christmas. She had taken some of the leftovers from Laila along with the clothes and decided to go and see him. The man who ran the shelter was a friend of hers and she had rallied to get him set up so he was always telling her that he owed her. He was a war veteran who had lost one arm when he was serving his country and had decided that he would turn his home into a shelter for people like him.
Raymond,” She hugged him as he came out on the porch to greet her.
“Girl you look more beautiful every time I see you,” he said gruffly, his large dark face crinkling into a wide smile. “When are you going to find yourself a good man and settle down?”
“When you find one,” she said with a grin.
“Good point.” He responded. “He is in there with the other playing cards. You brought him stuff?”
“And enough food to feed everyone,” she handed him the basket. “Has he spoken to you?”
“You know we do not invade people’s privacy here.” He reminded her.
“I know,” she went in as he held the door open for her. “But talking about situations helps,” she said in a whisper. The card game had stopped and Bart was sitting by the fire. He looked up and saw her and his face creased into a smile.
“Safe to say he is happy to see you. Another admirer,” Raymond said shaking his head as he went to attend to other business.
Harper took a seat next to the man. He looked different. His beard had been shaved and he had taken a bath. He also had clean clothes on. “How are you?’ she asked him softly.
“Clean and warm. Thanks to you.” He told her.
“I am happy,” she clasped his wrinkled hands. “I brought you some clothes.” She handed him the large package.
“Thank you.” He held the package tightly. “You are like a guardian angel.”
“I am just a woman who hates to see people suffer. How have you been?”
“I am happy here,” his bleary eyes wandered around the clean and cozy room. “Raymond is nice and very kind. The people here are friendly with sad stories of their own.”
“Have you spoken of yours?”
“Not easy to talk about,” he said looking away from her. “Too painful.”
“You don’t have to say anything.” She reassured him.
“You are the first person to ever take an interest in me,” he told her. “I lost my family to a drunk driver. “We were coming back from a day at the lake in town and had spent the entire day there. My wife had packed a picnic basket and my son and daughter had so much fun that we decided to make a day of it. We left the lake when it was near dark.” He stared down at his hands. “They never made it home. When I woke up in the hospital two weeks later, I learned the news that my entire family had been wiped out. I was the only one left and I have been asking myself every single day why I was spared when I have nothing else to live for.”
Harper did not know what to say! She was never one for using banalities and she was certain that he would not appreciate it. So she just sat there and comforted him in her silence.
“Thank you.” He said after a while.
“For what?” she asked him.
“Nothing I say would ever be enough or of comfort to you.” She told him.
“For just sitting and hearing me out and telling me that it will get better or something like that.” He said simply. He smiled at her suddenly. “You are a very beautiful woman and if you don’t mind my asking: what are you doing here with decrepit old people like us?”
“I like old people,” she told him with a wide smile.
“It’s the holiday season. What about family?”
“My mother and I don’t see eye to eye about many things so I avoid family gathering when I can.” She told him honestly.
“My dear, spend as much time with your loved ones as much as possible. You never know when it will be the last time.” He told her soberly.
“I know,” she told him. “But I love bringing holiday cheers.”
“I am happy you do.”
“You called.”
“I called.” Harper said as she took off her boots. “How was the party?”
“It was very good and people asked about you. I had to make up some excuses about why you did not see fit to attend a party your mother planned.”
“Mother could we not argue just now? I called to see how you were doing.” She said patiently.
“That’s decent of you,” her mother said with a sniff. “When are we seeing you?”
“New Year’s Day and that’s a promise.” Harper told her. “Where is Dad?”
“Holed up in his study as usual. Darling have you eaten?”
“Mother, I am an adult, and yes I have eaten.” Harper knew she could not tell her that she had spent the time at a home with the homeless and had had her meal with them.
“See you when you get here.” She said.
Harper hung up the phone and settled back in the sofa. She felt good after seeing Bart. At least she had done something worth thinking about and being proud of!
Chapter 5
“I am going because it has something to do with the cause I am very passionate about, Mother. Please, don’t get your hopes up.” Harper told her as she secured the silver hoops in her lobes.
There will be eligible men there darling.”
“You do know that this is a masquerade ball and we will all be wearing masks, right?” harper asked her. She had succumbed to her mother taking her shopping for the occasion and had to admit that the woman’s taste was impeccable. The ice blue gown was a perfect fit and was exquisite. It had a Regency neckline which was perfect for the occasion and her hair had been styled into intricate curls and placed on top of her head. Her father had declared that she looked like a queen when she had tried it on.
She was getting ready from their place and had spent the night in her old room. Faye Simmons had been in a state of excitement when she had gotten the invitations and had been planning for it ever since! A masquerade ball at the Elite Club that would benefit the men and women gone to war and had been funded in part by Shaw’s Holdings.
Probably trying to excuse what they are doing, Harper had though grudgingly. But as she had told her mother it was something she was passionate about and she would gladly don the expensive dress and mingle with the rich and famous for the night!
“Somewhere in that entire crowd and beneath those masks will be a man for you. Perhaps a millionaire. I hear that most of those men marry African American women, women they fall in love with. I have seen them around. They are a tightly knitted group and do lots for charities. You would fit right in darling.” She stepped back and looked at her daughter. “Stunning!” she said with a pleased smile. “It’s a long drive to the club darling so we should get going. Your father procured a town car for the occasion and we might be staying the night. Bring extra clothing.”
She packed the extra clothing but fully expected to be back home sometime tonight or early the next morning. But she had to admit that a masquerade ball was something she was looking forward to!
Things were not going well for Ethan and Samantha. She sensed he was pulling away from her and he knew she sensed it as well. After the party at his home in Christmas, he had been busy trying to get things done for when they went back to work on the fifth of January. New Year’s Day fell on a Thursday. The ball was being held on Saturday and he had invited her to come along with him. He had ignored the hopef
ul look on her face and regretted asking her in the first place. The relationship had died some time ago and his sister Erin was right. There had never been anything much there in the first place!
He swore beneath his breath as he heard someone came inside his room. “Erin you are beginning to annoy me.”
“I think we have passed that, part of it a long time ago,” she said with a grin. She walked over to him, her black gown rustling as she walked. “Let me do that,” she pushed his hands away and fixed his tie. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a light blue inside shirt and a red tie. “If you only had a woman to do this.” She finished and brushed at his lapel. “There you are — all ready.”
“I can very well dress myself. I have been doing it for years,” his dark blue eyes scanned her beautiful face. “What is it this time?”
“I am going to the ball with Adam,” her eyes met his and saw the coolness entering in. “We spoke and I told him of your misgivings and he said that he is an adult. We are going into this thing with our eyes wide open Ethan so you don’t have to worry.”
He went to get a coat out of his vast closet and then came back into the room. “His family and ours have been friends since we have known them.” He shrugged into his coat and buttoned it up. “You are right; you are both adults and free to do whatever the hell you want.”
Erin stared at him puzzled. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing.” He shook his head and reached for his gloves. “Let’s go.”
Harper wandered around with the drink in her hand. She had been nursing the champagne for several minutes and only just taken several sips of it. Her mother and father had disappeared the moment they entered the vast conference room where the event was being held. The lace of the mask on her face was beginning to itch her and she knew she was going to have to take it off soon. She recognized several faces, even though masks were in place. The club catered to very wealthy men and was very exclusive. She had been impressed at the immaculate grounds covered with a thin layer of dusty snow and the graceful arches of the towering building. She had seen it many times in magazines but this was the first time she had ever been here. She looked over to where a group of women stood sipping wine and talking and realized that these were the famous ‘wives’ of the members of the club. She admired their gowns and the way they looked before wandering out of the room. She needed air and she needed to get rid of her mask even for a few minutes. She got her coat from the coat check girl and putting it on over her gown she walked towards a balcony that led outdoors. It was a beautiful night! Clear velvet skies studded with stars and a full moon. Except for the sharp coldness in the air it was perfect. She had no idea that she was being watched until she heard the steps behind her. She turned around ready to go back in when he spoke. “No need to leave on my account.” The voice was deep and cultured and as he came into view she saw who he was.
“I was actually leaving on my account,” she said coolly.
“Why? I am sure you came out here to get away from the crowd the same way I did.” He had his hands inside his pockets and he was looking straight at her.
“And now I am done. Goodnight Mr. Shaw.”
He stepped into her path as she was about to leave. “You have me at a disadvantage.” His dark blue eyes searched her unforgettable face and his expression cleared. “Ms. Simmons. Harper Simmons. The woman who dragged our company’s name through the mud.”
“I would not exactly call it dragging,” she said angling her face up to look at him. “But I see it has the effect of galvanizing your company into action. Tell me this: before I said what I did; was there any intention of putting on this masquerade ball to help get money for the troops?”
He stared down at her for a moment and then smiled, his white teeth flashing against his tanned skin. “You are right. I guess your words had very good consequences.”
“There you go.”
“We are not in this just to make a profit Ms. Simmons.” He said quietly.
“That would be a first, wouldn’t it?’ she challenged him.
“Is it a crime for us to want to make a profit?”
“It’s a crime to profit off someone else’s pain, Mr. Shaw, but I guess you have to tell yourself something so you can sleep well at nights.” She said heatedly.
“Your passion is very real and a sight to see,” he murmured as he stared at her face.
“Is this a joke to you, Mr. Shaw? Am I offering you some kind of amusement?”
“I assure you that I am not amused,” his eyes wandered over her exquisite face and lingered on her parted lips. He had been watching her ever since she came into the room, his eyes caught first by the way her dress molded her curves and her restless movements. He realized that this was not somewhere she wanted to be. “Amusement is not what I am feeling now.” His words had a hypnotic effect on her as they stared at each other. They would never know what would have happened if Samantha had not come out at that moment.
“Darling, I have been looking for you,” she said softly. Ethan felt the irritation and disappointment coursing through him at the interruption. He had felt something between them and had just been about to explore it. He stepped back and forced a smile as he turned to the woman. “I needed to get some air.” When he turned back she had slipped away! He almost went to find her but knew that he could not, he had been avoiding Samantha throughout the evening and he had invited her so he had to play the part. “Let’s go dance,” he suggested as he took her arm and led her inside.
Harper was done with the whole scene. The party was not bad but having to endure the meaningless conversations and the men coming up to ask for a dance was something she could never get used to. She had no idea how her mother and women like her do it all the time. It was tiresome and she was bored out of the skull. She should have driven her own vehicle. The extension of the club was about six hours from where she lived and it was too late to be traveling now. Rooms had been given to those of them who could not make the journey back home or who did not have their own private planes to take them back home. She knew it was a practical move because there are business men here, powerful business men who had to be on the move whether to go back to their own countries or go to some meeting or the other. She had seen several celebrities and recognized the songwriter Mark Seville and his wife as well as the others. She was sure she had seen Prince Alexander and Princess Debbie as well but she was not sure. She was not impressed by wealth and had never been! But she was happy that they had come out to support the cause, even if it meant that Shaw’s Holdings had done it to take the heat off them. It was still a good cause. It was a little past midnight and most of the people had left. She had gone into the room she had been given and changed out of the dress, donning faded denim and a bulky white sweater. She had taken the pins from her hair and it tumbled into disarray past her shoulders in thick dark waves. Her parents were still enjoying themselves in the ball or what was left of it and she knew her mother would not leave until everyone else had left. She had wandered out to one of the tennis courts, just to be by herself. She was unable to sleep and hoped that coming out here would do it. It was truly a beautiful night, she thought as she looked up at the star studded sky. The kind of night made for lovers. She shook her head at the unbidden thought and wondered where it had come from!
“Aren’t you afraid that someone might sneak up and do you harm?” the familiar deep voice almost had her jumping out of her skin! With an irritated sigh she turned to face him.
“Is that what you are about to do?” she asked lifting tapered brows at him. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Or is your private jet waiting for you somewhere near.”
He smiled at that and shoved his hands into his pockets as she stared at her. She looked different but still exquisite. The white sweater looked great against her skin and her thick black hair that he was itching to run his fingers through! The thought startled him and he felt the heat of the de
sire he had felt since they had been on the balcony coming back. He had hoped to see her again and had sent Samantha off with a friend of his. He had also procured his usual room with the intention of leaving early in the morning. “I have decided to stay the night.”
“Well goodnight to you then.” She made to pass him and again he stopped her.
“What’s the hurry?” he asked her softly. His hand on her arm brought her closer to him and had the power to unnerve her.
“I don’t answer to you, Mr. Shaw. Please let go of my arm.” She said coolly.
“I thought we could look at the stars together. It’s a beautiful night.” He murmured, still holding her arm.
“Where is your companion?” she asked him.
“She has left.”
“Did she now? Was it your doing or did she conveniently want to leave so you could hit on me?”
“My doing,” His bluntness startled her for a moment and had her staring up at him.
“Is that a pattern for you, Mr. Shaw? You get rid of the current flame while trying to hit on a potential one?”
“Are you a potential flame?” he asked her teasingly.
“I know you have been led to believe that you are irresistible where the opposite sex is concerned and maybe with some of them you are. But I can assure you that I am absolutely immune.” She told him caustically.
“Are you?” he challenged her. Harper should have seen it coming. Ever since they had been on the balcony earlier tonight she had felt it but had ignored it. Now it was there again but much stronger. His movement was slow as he pulled her towards him. Harper braced her hands against his chest. He was still wearing the suit she had seen him wearing earlier but had put a long black cashmere coat over it, almost the color of his hair. His head bent to hers and she allowed it. Later she would look back on the situation and wonder at her momentary lapse but now she found herself drawn into his arms. His breath fanned her flesh and she felt herself trembling just before his lips covered hers. Harper did not tolerate flirtations. She had always been very serious minded and determined to wait until the right man came along. She had been too busy trying to make up for the fact that she had been born somewhat privileged and spent her time ever since high school trying to do as much good as she can. That had left her no time for boys and she was okay with that. She had never been kissed! She had often wondered if something was wrong with her but as his tongue entered her open mouth and she felt the rush of passion and desire, she knew that nothing was wrong with her at all! Her fingers tightened on his jacket and felt when he shuddered against her as he pulled her closer to him. Ethan had meant to only teach her a lesson. He had only meant to show her that he could get under her skin the way she had gotten under his. It had meant to be only a casual kiss but the fire burning inside his gut told him otherwise! He could feel the hesitation in her, in the movements of her mouth and knew that she was inexperienced! He also knew he needed to stop but he had no idea how to do that either! His breathing changed, his hands tightened on her waist and he could feel his erection obvious between them. But she stopped him and he was not sure if he was grateful for that because he had been at the point of no return! She pushed him away from her and stood there staring at him, her dark brown eyes bright. A slight breeze stirred her hair, tousling it further and her lips were slightly swollen from the kiss.